Professor Anthony Zwi

Professor Anthony Zwi



Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Social Sciences

Professor Zwi is Professor of Global Health and Development in the School of Social Sciences at UNSW. He has a medical degree and PhD from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and a Masters degree in epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.  He studied and then worked in London from 1986-2001 - at University College London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and North East Thames Regional Health Authority.  He was Head ...

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Board Member (and former Board Chair), Aminata Maternal Foundation.

Member, Development Practice Committee, Acfid.

Associate, Australian Human Rights Institute.

Editorial roles:
The Lancet, editorial consultant 2005 to date; Associate Editor Global Public Health journal.

My Research Supervision

1. Labour migration, remittances and equity in Bangladesh

2. Indigenous knowledge and disaster justice - experience and insights from Nepal

3. Neglected global policy priority: the case of snakebite

4. Essential power supplies: Who and what regulates and guarantees supply to those whose lives depend upon it?

5. COVID-19 vaccine access and equity in Indonesia



My Teaching

Coursework teaching
COMD5000 - NGOs and Development
COMD5002 - Human rights, development and global health
ARTS1750 - Introduction to Global Development

ARTS2752 - Local politics of development and humanitarian action