Associate Professor Anne Bartlett

Associate Professor Anne Bartlett

Associate Professor

PhD University of Chicago

Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Humanities & Languages

Associate Professor Anne Bartlett is an Africanist. She has worked on Sudan, South Sudan and East Africa for more than two decades. Her research centres on conflict and its effects on society. Notably, humanitarian crises, forced displacement (refugees and IDPs), land use, conflict urbanization and resource extraction. She is an ethnographer by training and has worked in fieldwork settings with a diverse group of people, ranging from armed movements to displaced persons and street children....

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230 Morven Brown

Arts Design and Architecture Grant (2021) $25,000. 

ARC Discovery Grant DP190103742 (2018) $579,000. “Improving payments for ecosystem services efficacy: experiments in Uganda” (with Dr. Sarah Walker, Prof Jennifer Alix Garcia and Prof Volker Radeloff). 

UNSW (2018) Business School Small Research Grant: $25,000 (with Sarah Walker and Paul Munro)

UNSW (2017) Institute for Global Development Grant (Conflict Resurgence and the Governance of Peace in Northern Uganda): $93,100

UNSW (2016) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Small Grant. (Street Children in Kakuma: Towards an Understanding of the decision-making processes involved in child labor: $7,500 

USF (2008) Jesuit Foundation Grant (Economic Geography of Darfur): 5,000  


Research Collaboration Award (2018) UNSW, Sydney. 

Faculty Service Award Recipient, University of San Francisco, June 2010

I have founded and have run various human rights NGOs in Sudan and in diaspora. I have written dozens of OpEds on the human rights situation in Sudan and has worked for the release of people that have been incarcerated without due process or regard to international human rights norms. I have also chaired sessions at the United Nations in Geneva on these matters. 

From 2015 -2017, I was the President of the Sudan Studies Association. I am currently the President of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSSAP). I am also Associate Editor of ARAS -- the journal of the Association. 

I was appointed as Lead for one of the four UNSW, Sydney engagement projects in northern Uganda as part of the UNSW, 2025 Strategy.  My role role involved looking at the prevention of conflict - particularly in relation to land in post-conflict Acholiland, deforestation and illegal charcoal production

My Research Supervision

 “The use of community radio to promote the adoption of Climate Smart farming technologies among smallholder farmers in Kenya. A case of Migori County

My Teaching

Key Debates In International Studies" INST 1005

“Contemporary Developments in Africa and the Middle East” INST1007

"Senior Seminar In International Studies" INST 3900

"International Fieldwork" HUMS 1007