![Adjunct Professor Ann Bye](https://api.research.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/images/profile/anniebye.jpg)
Adjunct Professor Ann Bye
MB BS Syd, FRACP, Doctorate of Medicine
Dr Annie Bye OAM is a Conjoint Associate Professor in the Discipline of Paediatrics in the School of Women's & Children's Health. She is a Senior Paediatric Neurologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital and Departmental Head.
- Australian & New Zealand Association of Neurologists
- Royal Australian College of Physicians
- Australian College of Paediatrics
- Australian Child Neurology Study Group
- National Epilepsy Association of Australia
- Epilepsy Society of NSW (formerly Vice-President of the Epilepsy Society of Australia) 2012-2014
- Member Scientific Committee Epilepsy Society of Australia 2022
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
· 2022 NHMRC Grant 2011481: Characterisation of novel genetic variants in Hyperekplexia and Dravet Syndrome. Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Seo-Kyung Chung Head, Translational Neurogenomics Research Group, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. (Associate investigator: Ann Bye et al). Amount (2022-2024): $585,714.50
· 2021 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Early Career Researcher Award - Suzanne Nevin (PhD candidate): Kids Research at The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation. Senior Chief Investigator: AME Bye. Amount (2021-2022): $20,000
· 2021 Manildra Foundation – administered via UNSW (Philanthropic Research Grant)
ClinEquip: Development and evaluation of resources for carers and clinicians involved in care of children with severe genetic epilepsies. $150,000. Chief Investigators: A Bye, K Nunn)
· 2020 Manildra Foundation – administered via UNSW (Philanthropic Research Grant): GeneCompass
Pilot study, new model of care in severe genetic epilepsy. Amount: $265,000 Chief Investigator: A Bye, E Palmer
· 2019 /2020 SPHERE funding for CoGENES project Officer: Improving clinical care and support for children with severe early-onset epilepsies and their families. Investigators: Rebecca Macintosh, Sean Kennedy, Rani Sachdev, Annie Bye, Hugh McCarthy, Emma Palmer, Claire Wakefield. Amount (2019): $17,000; 2020 Amount: $36,690
· 2018 SCHN Foundation: Improving support and providing integrated care for children with chronic genetic conditions. Investigators: R. Macintosh, S. Kennedy, R. Sachdev, A. Bye, H. McCarthy, C. Wakefield. Amount (2018): $20,000
· 2016 NSW Genomics Collaborative Grants: Drug resistant childhood onset epilepsy with intellectual disability: leveraging genomic sequencing to identify novel genes and neurodevelopmental pathways and determine optimal diagnostic protocols. Collaborative grant (member of the NSW collaboration led by Prof Edward Kirk, SCH, UNSW). Amount: $180,000
· 2016 NHMRC PhD Scholarship (Dr Emma Palmer): Application of next generation sequencing for the diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathy – the science, the costings and the impact. PhD Supervisors Edwin Kirk and Annie Bye. Amount: $127,000
· 2016 Michelle Beets Award (Humpty Dumpty Charity) : Used for infrastructure/resources and implementation of EEG service SCH. Annie Bye. Amount: $20,000
· 2016 /2017 NSW HEALTH GRANTS (Children’s Healthcare Network, NSW Health) Chief Investigator: A Bye. Modification of App based on scientific study Efficacy. Amount: $15,290
· 2015 /16 NSW HEALTH GRANTS (Children’s Healthcare Network, NSW Health): Chief Investigator: A Bye. Development of App for education of adolescents in epilepsy. Phase 2 Scientific Study of Evaluation. Amount: $35,000
· 2014 NSW HEALTH GRANTS (Children’s Healthcare Network, NSW Health): Chief Investigator: A Bye. Development of Paediatric Epilepsy Network NSW. Website Educational Resource in Epilepsy for Paediatricians and Families: Amount: $82,.800
· 2014 /15 NSW HEALTH GRANTS (Children’s Healthcare Network, NSW Health): Chief Investigator: A Bye. Development of App for education of adolescents in epilepsy. Phase 1 Amount: $65,100
· 2013 NSW HEALTH GRANTS (Children’s Healthcare Network, NSW Health): Chief Investigator: A Bye. Development: Paediatric Epilepsy Network NSW - Website Educational Resource for Paediatricians and Families. Amount: $48,000
1974 |
Robert Scot Skirving Memorial Prize in Medicine and Surgery |
1974 |
Harold John Ritchie Memorial Prize in Clinical Medicine |
2007 |
Paediatric Teaching Award: Senior Staff Member UNSW School of Women’s and Children’s Health Disciple of Paediatrics |
2008 |
Excellence in Teaching Award Senior Consultant: Inaugural Presentation Sydney Children’s Hospital |
2010 |
Excellence in Teaching Award Senior Consultant Sydney Children’s Hospital |
2011 |
Excellence in Teaching Award Senior Consultant Sydney Children’s Hospital |
2012 |
Michelle Beets Memorial Award 2012 Humpty Dumpty Foundation ($20,000 awarded) For services to paediatric epilepsy |
2013 |
Highly Commended SCHN Quality and Innovation Awards: “Supporting clinicians and families to improve the care of children and adolescents with epilepsy across NSW: the paediatric epilepsy network NSW (PENNSW).” |
2014 |
Paediatrics Staff Award: Senior Staff Research UNSW School of Women’s and Children’s Health |
Finalist (Highly Commended) – SCHN Quality Improvement Awards Development & evaluation of an E-learning resource on approach to first seizure. |
2017 |
Finalist – SCHN Quality Improvement Awards An app for adolescents with epilepsy: design and evaluation of EpApp. |
Order of Australia |
2016 |
The Order of Australia - Appointed as member in the general division (OAM) For Services to Paediatric Neurology For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric neurology as a clinician, academic and mentor. |
Conjoint A/Prof Annie Bye has an extensive portfolio of research into paediatric epilepsy and neurology, with over 90 original research articles together with over 100 abstracts published in international and national peer reviewed journals. Research topics include neonatal seizures, neuropsychological and language profiles in paediatric epilepsy, MRI correlates of childhood epilepsy syndromes, quality of life in paediatric epilepsy, the neurogenetic profiles of severe drug resistant epilepsies and education of epilepsy to patients and medical staff. This research has been supported by NHMRC, Ramichotti, Brain Foundation and Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation funding bodies. She was awarded her MD for publications in epilepsy in 1996
Current Research Projects:
1) Pilot evaluation of Gene Compass, an information linker service that provides caregivers with personalised reports in response to their specific questions about their child's condition.
2. Exploration of the psychological burdens of health professionals managing patients with severe genetic epilepsies and development of resources to assist skill formation and resilience in this area.
3) Paediatric Epilepsy Network
This is a major project to raise minimal standards of care in management of paediatric epilepsy across NSW. This work commenced in 2010. It has been funded by NSW Health (Statewide Complex Epilepsy, NSW Kids and Families). A GAP analysis was done to determine needs of paediatricians across NSW. In response to a need for easily assessable, evidence based educational resources a website was created- PENNSW. This resource has two sections, one for clinicians and one for families. It has information on epilepsy syndromes, medications, lifestyle implications-employment, pregnancy, contraception, driving. Key documents for safety, seizure management plan, medication plans, seizure recording are available. The website was evaluated.( Journal of Clinical Neuroscience : 21 (2014) 1831-1832) Currently it has approximately 352,000 views, 100, 000 in last 7 months. Sept 2015. Subsequent to this an E-Learning Package for First Unprovoked Seizure has been developed, validated and published. An APP for education of teenagers with epilepsy with a functional component for seizure tracking and medication reminder has been developed and also validated and the work published.
4.Evaluation of educational programmes for paediatricians. The first involves an assessment of an outreach teaching programme of neurology to paediatricians. The second is an evaluation of recorded webinars in a series of paediatric topics and comparison to face to face teaching.
Research Collaborations:
A present major work is one in conjunction with her colleagues across the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Randwick and Westmead campus and the John Hunter Hospital to evaluate and improve epilepsy services for children across the State of NSW. This has resulted in the formation of the Paediatric Epilepsy Network NSW website www.pennsw.com.au
Research Interests:
Current major interests are the scientific evaluation of teaching programmes directed to paediatricians and evaluation of an information linker directed to the caregivers of patients with severe genetic epilepsy (see above). the other major interest is exploration of the psychological burdens places on health professionals assisting families of children with severe genetic epilepsy and building resources to support them informed by the work.
In keeping with UNSW 2025 Health Strategy People/Culture I have a major commitment to growth of students and staff. I have benefitted from and offered myself, dedicated mentorship to academic staff of the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW- in particular Associate Professor Michelle Farrar, an international expert in clinical trials of Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Dr Emma Palmer, Lecturer and Geneticist. I have offered the same mentorship and cultural milieu to medical students and Conjoint appointments of UNSW, the latter particularly during my period as Head of Paediatric Neurology at SCH (2012-2019) emphasizing the importance of teaching/research and assisting in obtaining supportive funding . Six higher degrees were achieved in paediatric neurology/neurogenetics 2012-2019.
In keeping with the UNSW 2025 strategic plan Priority C – Social Impact, in 2013 I created and sustain a web-based epilepsy resource for clinicians and families: https://pennsw.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/index.php/clinicians). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0967586814002252) It has over 1.3million page views and over 40,000 current users. Website has global impact: 137 countries, highest users: Australia, USA, Germany, NZ, China.
My research collaborations are national/l international. (CV p22-23)
I have reviewed many journal articles for Epilepsia, Seizure and Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.
I have formed a dynamic collaboration with the law firm Allen’s Linklaters over 24 years. This has resulted in the annual Allen’s Fellowship to train paediatric neurologists. Total given: 2.35 million dollars. Of neurologists trained. 6 are now conjoint appointees of UNSW. Three have done a PhD and three a Masters all through UNSW. All are committed to medical student teaching.
I have held the following positions:
· 1991 – 2008: Sydney Children’s Hospital Scientific Research Committee.
· 1992 – 1995: Representative Australian College of Paediatrics National Epilepsy Association Australia.
· 1995: Member of Local Scientific Committee, 21st International Epilepsy Conference, Sydney.
· 1991 – 1994: Counsellor: Australian Epilepsy Association.
· 1997 – 1999: Member: Scientific Committee Epilepsy Society Australia Annual Scientific Meeting.
· 2004: Member Scientific Organizing Committee Annual Meeting Epilepsy Society Australia.
· 2004-6: Committee Member NSW Epilepsy Society of Australia.
· 2006 – 2009: Epilepsy Society Australia Education Committee member.
· 2008: Member Scientific Organizing Committee Annual Meeting, Epilepsy Society Australia.
· 2008-2013: NSW State-wide Complex Epilepsy Service Network Planning Committee in conjunction with NSW Ministry. This resulted in a reorganization of epilepsy surgery in NSW leading to improved protocols, increased staffing, training positions and infrastructure.
· 2010-2012: Epilepsy Society Australia Vice President.
· 2012- 2019: Head Department Paediatric Neurology, SCH.
· 2021-2022: Epilepsy Society Australia 2022: Scientific Committee Member, Annual Scientific Meeting.
I was awarded an OAM in 2016. The citation was: For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric neurology as a clinician, academic and mentor.
I am proud of the implementation of an online paediatric neurology teaching program (2017 - current) for medical students, junior staff/paediatricians across Australia including 7 hospitals aligned with UNSW. There are 300 attendees, 6 sessions per year. I am currently scientifically evaluating the project. Through this, I teach, pass on experience, facilitate discussion and impart a love of learning all based on current scientific knowledge. (CV p26)
My Research Supervision
Suzanne Nevin: Post doctorate in project known as Gene-Equip exploring the needs of cinicians in managing patients with severe genetic epilepsies.
The methodology is to define the problem, understand the reasons for it and then provide solutions through interview and workshops.
The ultimate aim is to create resources informed by the research to empower and assist clinicians, health professionals and students.
My Teaching
A/Prof Bye has had a longstanding interest in education of medical students and junior medical staff, allied health and patients. She has supervised young doctors in medical training and research and has published on teaching techniques. Recently she has been involved in the development of a published tool to teach adolescents about the challenges of epilepsy in all aspects of their lives- issues such as driving, pregnancy and contraception, life style and career.
The UNSW Health and Medicine Strategy, Health 25 is to build a vibrant learning community: one that works in equitable partnership with students. This has been my philosophy and since my appointment at Sydney Children’s Hospital and Conjoint appointment at UNSW I have strived to do this and teaching at this point is a major commitment.
I have served as a Principal medical student teacher 1-2 terms per year 1987- 2019. As a Principal Teacher I gave tutorials weekly and did much bedside teaching and took student grand rounds. I have given formal medical student lectures from my earliest Conjoint appointment to the present, a minimum of 10 lectures per year on aspects of epilepsy (till 2016) and currently 5/year. From 1991-2011 I gave 4 lectures/ year to Diploma of Paediatric students (SCH/UNSW) and was a regular examiner. From 1987-2011. I was a regular, medical student examiner for the viva short case sessions. From 2011-2019 I have performed many Mini-CEXs when Principal teacher. Throughout my appointment as a conjoint I have regularly (twice weekly) had medical students in my outpatients. Medical students regularly attend our weekly Neurology Grand Rounds and my teaching to junior staff, particularly a series of 6 sessions given annually on “Neurological Gait” illustrated by video. In COVID I gave extra online sessions to students: case presentations, and online teaching of normal development using the resource “Beyond Milestones”. As part of the hospital COVID response team I recruited other teachers. From 2008 I have given weekly epilepsy teaching sessions to medical students and junior staff. As Head of Department, I arranged medical student teaching rosters 2012-2019 and championed teaching.
Following cessation of my clinical on-call and ward duties (2020-2021), I developed new ways of serving students. I recently led a team in the production of educational resources (CV p24-25). These are given to all UNSW students. These include: a Website-PENNSW providing epilepsy resources for students, clinicians and families, First Seizure E-Learning resource, a video series teaching normal development, “Beyond Milestones”, 4 videos on aspects of childhood epilepsy management ( “First seizure”, “Using Midazolam”, “Living well with Epilepsy”, educational resource for adolescence, “The Ketogenic diet”-an Introduction and, released to medical students in 2022, “Finding A Way”, a six module Positive Psychology informed video resource for parents of children with severe genetic epilepsy.
I have researched my techniques in teaching medical students and evaluated many of above resources in 8 published papers related to educational research (CV p25).
My teaching extends to: The Royal Australian College of Physicians (Basic trainees) and College Brain School for Paediatric Neurology trainees, the annual Masterclass and EEG National courses for all Neurology trainees and annual SCH Course in Paediatrics. I have given many invited National/ International presentations (CV p24-33).
In 2017 I began an online neurology teaching program for Paediatricians, Junior Staff and Medical Students involving case presentations, mini-lectures and question time. Rotating UNSW medical students in neurology attend as do medical students from 7 UNSW teaching hospitals.