I am a lecturer in the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at UNSW and Associate Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS). My science research is in understanding the role of the ocean in climate variability particularly through satellite oceanography but I also have interests in learning & teaching and knowledge transfer from the tertiary to secondary education sector, particularly with regards to promoting numerical literacy and phys...
I am a lecturer in the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at UNSW and Associate Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS). My science research is in understanding the role of the ocean in climate variability particularly through satellite oceanography but I also have interests in learning & teaching and knowledge transfer from the tertiary to secondary education sector, particularly with regards to promoting numerical literacy and physical sciences.
2007: Doctor of Philosophy (Atmospheric Science), Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.
1998: Bachelor of Science Honours I, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.
My research interests lie in interannual to decadal scale processes which dominate climate variability with a strong focus on the Indo-Pacific and the role of the ocean. I have been pursuing research in the areas of:
• Climate modes of variability
• Planetary wave propagation
• Subtropical gyre variability
• Ocean Productivity
• Tropical Cyclones
• Satellite derived ocean variables (e.g., SSH, SST, chlo)
• In situ ocean data
• Model output
• Education and Outreach: oceanography, meteorology and climate science
Recruitment: Students interested in Honours, Masters or PhD in any of the above topics are welcome to contact me about possible research projects.
Hons- On line and Switched on? Are high tech education resources effective learning tools for climate science? Keith Huang (UNSW)
PhD- Influence of climate variability and change on ocean primary productivity- Andre Belo do Couto (Macquarie University- 2012)
PhD- Seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone formation in the Australian region- Angelika Werner (Macquarie University- 2011)
Hons- Interannual to interdecadal variability in Southern Ocean Water Masses and links to the Southern Annular Mode- Claire Krause (nee Davis)
(Macquarie University -2010)
MSCI0501 - The Marine Environment
CLIM1001 - Introduction to Climate Change
Secondary school project:
The Smart Science Initiative - Four great online resources for Year 9 and 10 students to learn about some big questions in science including one on climate. See link at bottom of page.
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS)- Treasurer and Member of Education and Outreach Committee.