Emeritus Professor Andrew Schultz

Emeritus Professor Andrew Schultz

Emeritus Professor

BMus (Hons), PhD Qld, MMus London

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of the Arts and Media

Andrew Schultz, a leading composer, is Professor of Music at UNSW. Schultz studied at the Universities of Queensland and Pennsylvania and at King's College London and he has received numerous awards, prizes and fellowships. His music, which covers a broad range of chamber, orchestral and vocal works, has been performed, recorded and broadcast widely by leading groups and musicians internationally.

He has held many commissions, including from the major Australian orchestras. Schultz has written a number of large-scale works including three operas (Black River, Going Into Shadows and The Children’s Bach) that have been presented live and on film around the world. Other major works include Journey to Horseshoe Bend and Song of Songs. Recent successes include the the Schueler Award (2008), the Paul Lowin Prize (2009), and the Australia Council Fellowship (2009-10). Prior to his current post he was Professor of Composition and Dean of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong and before that, Head of Composition and Music Studies, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London.

+61 2 9385 3871
Robert Webster room 231L

  • Paul Lowin Trust Song Cycle Prize (for To the evening star), Perpetual Trustees, Sydney, 2009.
  • Schueler Composition Award (for Ghosts of Reason - Symphony No 2), Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide, 2007.
  • Highly Commended, Pratt Prize for Opera and Music Theatre (for Going Into Shadows), Melbourne 2002.
  • Contemporary Classical Composition of the Year (for The Devil's Music, Contrafactum II) Australasian Performing Right Association Music Awards, Sydney, 1994
  • Grand Prix Opera Screen, International Music Centre (for Black River), Opera Bastille, Paris, 1993
  • Highly Commended, Paul Lowin Awards (for Dead Songs), Sydney 1991
  • National Critics Awards, for performance of Black River, Sounds Australian, 1990
  • State Critics Awards, for performance of Stick Dance, Sounds Australian, 1989
  • Australian National Composer Opera Award, Australian Music Centre, Sydney, 1988
  • Hilda Margaret Watts Prize, King's College London, 1986
  • Albert H Maggs Memorial Composition Award, University of Melbourne, 1986
  • Scholarship (to United Kingdom), Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan, 1985-86
  • Fulbright Postgraduate Student Award, Australian-American Education Foundation, 1983
  • Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award, University of Queensland, 1982-85
  • University of Queensland Medal at Graduation for Outstanding Merit, 1982
  • Dalley-Scarlett Memorial Scholarship, Brisbane, 1981
  • Qld Uni undergrad. prizes: J. Albert and Son Prizes, 1978 and 1981, Geoffrey Moynihan Prize, 1980, Percy Brier Memorial Prize, 1979, 1980, 1981.
  • Arnold Prize (Dux), St Peter's College, Brisbane, 1977

Australia Council for the Arts:
2009–10 Fellowship, Music Board
2004 Composer Project Fellowship, Music Board
1990 Composer Fellowship, Performing Arts Board
1983 Composer Fellowship – International, Music Board
1982 Composer Fellowship, Music Board.

My Teaching

Composition seminar - Years one to three, Bachelor of Music.
PhD supervision.