Professor Andrew Pendleton
BA (Hons.) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. University of Oxford, UK
PhD in Social Sciences. University of Bath, UK
FCIPD (Academic), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, UK
Andrew is Professor of Employee Ownership and Reward, and former head of the School of Management and Governance (2019 - 2021). Prior to joining UNSW in 2019, he was Head of the Department of Management in Durham University Business School in the UK. He has also held academic posts at the universities of Bath, Bradford, Kent, Manchester Metropolitan, and York. He has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) from the University of Oxford, and obtained his PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Bath (for a thesis on Management Strategy and Labour Relations in British Rail).
His main areas of research expertise are employee ownership, employee share ownership plans, and corporate governance. He has published extensively in these areas, and has worked closely with employee share plan practitioners. He was a member of the UK Inland Revenue Advisory Committee that developed the UK's Share Incentive Plan and Enterprise Management Incentives.
He is a Fellow and Mentor on the Beyster Program in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, and a Visiting Professor at University Pantheon-Assas Paris 2 and at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is currently a guest professor at the University of Regensburg, Germany. He has previously held visiting positions at Monash and Sydney universities, and is an affiliated member of the International Consortium for Research on Work and Employment (iCREW) at Monash University.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
I conduct research into employee ownership and employee share ownership plans in Australia, the UK, and Europe. My research has examined which companies use these plans (and why), the effects of these plans on organisational performance, and individual employee behavior within these plans. I also conduct research into the relationships between ownership, governance, and employment relationships at both micro and macro levels. This research has focused on the listed company sector and alternative investment vehicles such as hedge funds and private equity.
Current projects (early 2024) include:
- an investigation into employee decision-making in Australian share ownership plans with Prof Michelle Brown (Melbourne University), in collaboration with Computershare
- a review of the literature on enrolment in employee share plans, with Prof Michelle Brown (Melbourne University).
- census and survey of employee-owned firms in the UK (with Prof. Andrew Robinson, Leeds University), in collaboration with the Employee Ownership Association, UK. See https://employeeownership.co.uk/resources/what-the-evidence-tells-us/
- an investigation into employee shareholder associations in Europe (with Prof Thomas Steiger, Regensburg University, Germany and Professor Loris Guery, University of Lorraine, France)
Editorial Board Membership
- Australian Journal of Management
- British Journal of Industrial Relations
- Economic and Labour Relations Review (Area Editor)
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Journal of Employee Ownership and Participation
- Journal of Industrial Relations
- Management Revue
Policy contributions
- Expert witness, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue, Inquiry into the Tax Treatment of Employee Share Schemes. See https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Fcommrep%2F3e6985e7-9f47-4451-907f-ecd038d0a543%2F0000%22
Keynote addresses
- Employee Ownership Association Annual Conference, Sydney, August 2019
- Seminar on employee share schemes, Global Shares, Tokyo, November 2020
- International Round Table on Employee Share Ownership, University of Regensburg, Germany, November 2020
Collaborative research
- with Computershare and University of Melbourne. See https://www.computershare.com/News/ESPReport_MediaRelease_Final.pdf
See https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/business-law/solving-succession-woes-employee-ownership-trusts
Board membership
I am a member of the board of Employee Ownership Australia (EOA)
My Research Supervision
Zeb Holmes
My Teaching
In my career I have taught Organisational Behavior, Sociology of Work, Human Resource Management, Reward Management, Research Methods, and Employee Ownership and Governance. At UNSW I have taught MGMT 3728 Managing Pay and Performance. In 2024 I am course leader for 'Doing Business in Australia', a program for visiting MBA students from the Stern School of Business, New York University.