Mr Amir Chiti Zadeh

Mr Amir Chiti Zadeh

Casual Academic
  • School of Management - PhD Candidate,
  • Master of Research, Management, Macquarie University,
  • Master of Commerce, Finance, University of New South Wales
  • Bachelor of Commerce, International Business , University of Wollongong
Business School


I am undertaking a PhD in the School of Management at UNSW Business School. His research concerns the internationalisation of emerging market firms. He has a decade of experience in industry and tries to create a bridge between the academia and the industry.

546D, Level 5, UNSW Business School building - Ref E12

  • 2020 Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP)  - University of New South Wales
  • 2018 Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP)  - Macquarie University
  • 2017 Entrepreneurship in China & OBOR – Zhejiang University
  • 2017 Higher degree research & research training program scholarship schemes living allowance – Macquarie University

My Teaching

  • MGMT2101 International Business and Multinational Operations

  • MGMT3102 Asia-Pacific Business