Associate Professor Amany Zekry
Associate Professor Amany Zekry is a Clinical Academic at St George and Sutherland Clinical School. She is a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at St George Hospital. A/Professor Amany Zekry is part of the research team at the Microbiome Research Centre (MRC) She leads a research group investigating the role of the micro biome in the immunopathogenesis of liver disease and liver cancer in obesity. Our research group has published novel data on the role of adipocytokines in mediating liver injury and impairing the immune response. Presently, we are using ex-vivo experiments and animal models of obesity and liver cancer to study the effect of the microbiome on the immune/inflammatory responses. In addition, we are commencing animal and human interventional studies to investigate the effect of manipulating the gut microbiome on the immune/inflammatory responses, and associated liver injury.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2018-2021: Sir Owen Glenn Foundation 3 million dollars
2018: Top 50 public woman in NSW
2017: Clinician of the year- St George Hospital
2019: Woman Scientist of the year: St George Hospital
Ex vivo and animal studies are now underway to examine the effect of dysbiosis on immune/inflammatory responses in liver disease
Human and animal interventional studies have commenced to study the effect of microbiome manipulation on immune/inflammatory responses and liver injury. It is intended to extent these studies to a multi centre study examining whether gut microbiome can impact responses to immunotherapy for liver cancer.
My Research Supervision
PhD candidates
Post doctoral scientists
Honour students
Advanced trainees in Gastroenterology undertaking post graduate research