Professor Amanda Henry

Professor Amanda Henry


Doctor of Philosophy (UNSW)

Master of Public Health (UNSW)

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG)

Bachelor of Medicine, with Honours and the University Medal (University of Newcastle)

Bachelor of Medical Science, with First Class Honours (University of Newcastle)

Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ASUM)

Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Qualifications PhD, MPH, FRANZCOG, B.Med. (Hons) ,B.Med.Sci. (Hons), Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound (O&G)

Amanda Henry is Program Head, Women's Health, The George Institute for Global Health, Professor (Education-Focussed) in the Discipline of Women's Health, School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine and Health, and an Obstetrician at St George Public Hospital. She is an active researcher and research supervisor in the areas of high-risk pregnancy and post-pregnancy health, clinical tri...

+61-2-9113 2315
Level 1 Royal Hospital for Women Barker Street Randwick NSW 2031 and St George Hospital Gray Street Kogarah NSW 2217

  • A mother’s risk of future cardiovascular disease following preeclampsia: is early detection and prevention possible? CIA Hannan UniMelb, CIB Henry UNSW, CIC DeAlwis UniMelb, CID Roberts UNSW. NHMRC Ideas grant 2024-27.
  • GETTING TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER: A Novel ‘Omics’ Risk Score for CVD Risk Assessment in Women Following Pre-Eclampsia. CIA Moses UTas. CIB Henry UNSW. CIs: Moses, Henry, Winship, Roberts, Phan. NHMRC Ideas Grant 2024-27.
  • BUBs Quit study: Clinical Midwife Specialist to assist pregnant women to quit smoking using counselling and embedded technology. CIA Richmond (UNSW), CIB Raghu Lingam (UNSW), CIC Amanda Henry. NHMRC Partnership Project funding scheme, 2022-26.
  • “Endolinked: identifying fertility outcomes for women with endometriosis.”  CIA Abbott UNSW, CIs Abbott, Mishra, Henry, Rowlands, Ng. MRFF 2021 Research Data Infrastructure Initiative, funding 2022-25.
  • NSW Health Cardiovascular Research Capacity Building Grants: Early-Mid-Career Researcher. “Improving women’s cardiovascular health after hypertensive pregnancy”. 2022-2024. CIA Amanda Henry.
  • “PRECeDe: Prevention of neonatal respiratory morbidity with antenatal corticosteroids prior to elective Caesarean section in women with diabetes: a randomised trial.” CIA Said University of Melbourne. Amanda Henry CII. NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Scheme 2022-2026,
  • The C*STEROID Trial: An international, randomised placebo-controlled trial to determine the effect of antenatal corticosteroids on newborn health when given prior to planned caesarean section birth from 35+0 to 39+6 weeks of pregnancy. CIA Jo Said. CIs: Jo Said, Katie Groom, Caroline Crowther, Jonathan Morris, Lex Doyle, Della Forster, Nikolajs Zeps, Jane Harding, Amanda Henry (CII), Clare Whitehead. Medical Research Future Fund International Clinical Trial Collaborations Program 2021: (2021-25).
  • Australian Type 1 diabetes general population screening pilot. Kirstine Bell, Maria Craig, Peter Colman, Jennifer Couper, John Wentworth, Mark Harris, Elizabeth Davis, Natasha Nassar, Christel Hendrieckx, Gary Deed, Amanda Henry, Antonia Shand. Funder: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Australia and JDRF International. 2021-24.
  • First 2000 Days Care Connect (FDCC) – a holistic first 2000 days model of care for migrant and refugee populations. Tania Rimes, Sue Woolfenden. (AIs: Helen Rogers, Raghu Lingham, Valsamma Eapen, Melissa Green, John Eastwood, Karen Sorensen, Kim Lyle, Catherine Jones, Maralyn Foureur, Amanda Henry). Translational Research Grants Scheme, NSW Health (Round 5). Funding: 2021-24.
  • NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (Health Professional 0.5), 2018-2022 "Premature cardiovascular death in women after hypertensive pregnancy: altering this trajectory".
  • NSW Health Translational Research Grants Scheme, 2018-2020. "Adverse cardiovascular outcomes after hypertensive pregnancy: altering this trajectory". Mark Brown, Amanda Henry, Georgina Chambers, Angela Makris, Caroline Homer, Jon Hyett, Clare Arnott, Annemarie Hennessy, Greg Davis, Sandra Lowe, Elizabeth Denney-Wilson.
  • St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation, 2018-19. Microbiome Research Centre Foundation Grants. "The microbiome in pregnancy and infancy". Amanda Henry, Greg Davis, Emad El-Omar, Tony O'Sullivan, Maria Craig, George Mangos, Daniella Susic, Lynne Roberts, Katie Harris.
  • UNSW Medicine Major Research Equipment and Infrastructure Initiative (2013). Amanda Henry, Alec Welsh, Jason Abbott, Erin Nesbitt-Hawes, Tim Schindler.
  • Royal Hospital for Women Foundation (2013-14).  “Life-threatening massive obstetric haemorrhage requiring rapid, high-volume blood transfusion – A collaborative study of Australian and New Zealand maternity units”. Andrew Bisits, Amanda Henry. (collaboration with AMOSS)
  • Royal Hospital for Women Foundation (2013-14). “Ethics of consent in labour”. Alec Welsh, Sally Tracy, Amanda Henry, Nadine Kasparian.
  • St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation. Clinician Researcher Award for 2013.  Amanda Henry
  • Australasian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine Research Grant 2012 “Fetal cardiovascular evaluation after maternal betamethasone Vs dexamethasone administration”.  Alec Welsh, Amanda Henry, Antonia Shand.

Program Head, Women's Health, The George Institute for Global Health

Medical Advisor, Australian Action on Preeclampsia (consumer organisation)

Society Membership and Professional Activities:

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Councillor, 2021-23 including Chair RANZCOG Research Grants Assessment Committee, Member Women's Health Committee, Member Global Women's Health Committee, Member Women's Health Foundation Committee and Councillor, 13th RANZCOG Council 2023-25 including Chair RANZCOG Research Grants Committee, Deputy Chair (Obstetrics) Women's Health Committee, Member Women's Health Foundation Committee, Member Research Assessment Subcommittee, Member Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group)
  • Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ Executive Council, 2020-)
  • Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (2004 onwards), PSANZ Academy member 2016-23
  • Australasian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine
  • International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
  • ITP Co-ordinator and RANZCOG Training Supervisor, St George Hospital, 2016-
  • RANZCOG e-learning Editorial Committee 2012-14
  • Chair of RANZCOG Trainees’ Committee 2008-2009

My Research Supervision

PhD supervision: Primary/joint supervision 3 students, co-supervision 1 student UNSW and 1 student UTS.

Regularly supervise UNSW Medicine and Health Hons students: up to 4 Med Hons and 1 SOMS Hons/year.

My Teaching

A/Prof Henry’s teaching focusses on increasing student knowledge and critical thinking in regards to evidence-based pregnancy care. She co-authors and convenes the Antenatal Care subject of the UNSW Master of Women’s Health Medicine, and teaches both undergraduate students and postgraduate clinical trainees critical thinking and research skills through active supervision of their clinical research projects. Associate Professor Henry will supervise both postgraduate and undergraduate research students, and all her supervised students are encouraged and actively assisted to present and publish their work. A/Prof Henry is also academic lead on the student-staff working group to update the medical curriculum and teaching resources on sexual assault, domestic and family violence.