Professor Alison Beavis

Professor Alison Beavis

Deputy Dean

BSc (Hons 1) in Applied Chemistry - Forensic Science, UTS
Doctor of Philosophy, UTS

Dean's Unit, Science

Associate Professor Alison Beavis joined UNSW Sydney in Decemb er 2019 as Deputy Dean (Education). She is responsible for providing strategic leadership in the learning and teaching portfolio for the Faculty which is home to over 900 staff and 6000 students. Alison's primary research interest is in the area of analytical chemistry with a focus on the analysis of forensic traces and how this information is interpreted, including a current ARC funded project involving forensic drug intelligen...

+61-2-9385 8223
Robert Webster Building, Room 128

Selected grants from a total of $2.05 million in funded activities:

Disciplinary Research
A New Tool to Fight Crime: Illicit Drug Profiling in Forensic Intelligence, ARC Linkage Grant
, co-CI, ($415,000) 2017 – 2020
The Edge Project – Enabling and evidencing enterprise and entrepreneurship through work integrated learning (WIL) - Australian Technology Network (ATN) Universities T&L Grant, PI, ($150,000) 2017-2019
Transformation of Forensic Gunshot Residue Evidence, SA Dept of Further Education, Employment, Science & Technology, PI, ($403,500) – 2014-2016
Forensic drug intelligence: A tool in Intelligence-led policing, UTS Partnership Grant, co-CI, ($30,000), 2012
Three dimensional lymph node imaging: Improving detection of sentinel nodes to reduce false negatives. Cancer Institute NSW – Large Equipment Grant, co-CI, ($447,000) – 2011-2012
Portable Capillary Electrophoresis for Detection and Analysis of Explosives and Illicit Drugs, Australian Future Forensics Innovation Network – Queensland Health and Scientific Services, PI, ($203,000) – 2009-2012
Specialist Forensic Training in Thailand-A Capacity Building Activity, Australia-Thailand Institute, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, CI, $18,000 – 2011
Development of Field Portable Devices for the Detection of Explosives Residues – Phase 1 & 2, National Security Science and Technology Unit, Dept of Prime Minister & Cabinet, Commonwealth Government, PI, ($412,000) – 2007-2008

Education Initiatives

Inspiring Science Teaching- Today, Awarded from the UTS Allocation of Higher Education Participation & Partnerships Program funding Department of Education, co-CI, ($289,000) – 2013-2016
UTS Vice Chancellors Teaching and Learning Grants
- multiple grants totalling $87,500, 2010-2015


Institution/Organisation Date of Award
UTS Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Research UTS September 2019

Wharton Reimagine Education Award (Bronze) –  Presence Learning

Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Wharton-QS Stars December 2016

OLT National Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (Team award)

For facilitating the First Year Experience program: supporting student transition and success through engaging academic and professional staff in curriculum innovation and collaborative communities
Office of Learning & Teaching September 2016

OLT National Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

Transforming student engagement in the subject Chemical Safety and Legislation: from a hazard to a cross-disciplinary, collaborative success story”
Office of Learning & Teaching September 2014

UTS Learning and Teaching Award for Widening Participation (Team award)

First Year Experience Strategy team for the development of a systematic, institution-wide first year experience strategy that has improved student transition and engaged academic and professional staff
UTS May 2015

UTS Learning and Teaching Citation

A transdisciplinary approach to enhancing student engagement and learning in science
UTS November 2013


  • Award

    UTS Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Research
    Date of Award
    September 2019
  • Award

    Wharton Reimagine Education Award (Bronze) –  Presence Learning

    Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
    Wharton-QS Stars
    Date of Award
    December 2016
  • Award

    OLT National Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (Team award)

    For facilitating the First Year Experience program: supporting student transition and success through engaging academic and professional staff in curriculum innovation and collaborative communities
    Office of Learning & Teaching
    Date of Award
    September 2016
  • Award

    OLT National Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

    Transforming student engagement in the subject Chemical Safety and Legislation: from a hazard to a cross-disciplinary, collaborative success story”
    Office of Learning & Teaching
    Date of Award
    September 2014
  • Award

    UTS Learning and Teaching Award for Widening Participation (Team award)

    First Year Experience Strategy team for the development of a systematic, institution-wide first year experience strategy that has improved student transition and engaged academic and professional staff
    Date of Award
    May 2015
  • Award

    UTS Learning and Teaching Citation

    A transdisciplinary approach to enhancing student engagement and learning in science
    Date of Award
    November 2013

My Research Supervision

Analisa Chiaravalle - Investigation of metal-organic frameworks for gunshot residue visualisation 2018-2021
Ana Popovic - Chemometrics in illicit drug intelligence 2016-2020
Matthieu Maitire - Detection and interpretation of gunshot residues 2016-2019