Associate Professor Aleksandar Ignjatovic
PhD in Logic and Methodology of Science, University of California at Berkeley;
MSc in Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
BSc in Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Aleksandar Ignjatovic is an Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering. His research interests include:
- Signal Representation and Processing
- Approximation theory
- Algorithms for Embedded Systems
- Algorithms for information aggregation
- Applications of Mathematical Logic to Computational Complexity
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
1) ARC Discovery DP180104188 “Towards a block-cipher circuit resistant to multiple side channel attacks”;
2) ARC Discovery DP210103704 “Urban flood modelling at speed and scale”
3) ARC Linkage LP170100311 “Approximate algorithms and architectures for area efficient system design”
My main research interest are signal processing applications of the Fourier transforms of orthogonal polynomials as well as the related signal expansions whose truncations provide high fidelity local signal approximations which combine the features of the Shannon and the Taylor expansions.
My Research Supervision
I am currently supervising, jointly supervising or co-supervising 6 students.