Varela C; Schmidt SA; Borneman AR; Pang CNI; Krömerx JO; Khan A; Song X; Hodson MP; Solomon M; Mayr CM; Hines W; Pretorius IS; Baker MS; Roessner U; Mercurio M; Henschke PA; Wilkins MR; Chambers PJ, 2018, 'Systems-based approaches enable identification of gene targets which improve the flavour profile of low-ethanol wine yeast strains', Metabolic Engineering, 49, pp. 178 - 191,
Journal articles | 2017
Ahuja R; Almuzian M; Khan A; Pascovici D; Dalci O; Darendeliler MA, 2017, 'A preliminary investigation of short-term cytokine expression in gingival crevicular fluid secondary to high-level orthodontic forces and the associated root resorption: case series analytical study', Progress in Orthodontics, 18, pp. 23,
Journal articles | 2017
Lim SY; Lee JH; Welsh SJ; Ahn SB; Breen E; Khan A; Carlino MS; Menzies AM; Kefford RF; Scolyer RA; Long GV; Rizos H, 2017, 'Evaluation of two high-throughput proteomic technologies for plasma biomarker discovery in immunotherapy-treated melanoma patients', Biomarker Research, 5, pp. 32,
Journal articles | 2017
O'Doherty PJ; Khan A; Johnson AJ; Rogers PJ; Bailey TD; Wu MJ, 2017, 'Proteomic response to linoleic acid hydroperoxide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae', FEMS Yeast Research, 17, pp. fox022,
Journal articles | 2017
Tan SH; Lee A; Pascovici D; Care N; Birzniece V; Ho K; Molloy MP; Khan A, 2017, 'Plasma biomarker proteins for detection of human growth hormone administration in athletes', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 10039,
Journal articles | 2016
Breen EJ; Tan W; Khan A, 2016, 'The Statistical Value of Raw Fluorescence Signal in Luminex xMAP Based Multiplex Immunoassays', Scientific Reports, 6,
Journal articles | 2015
Breen EJ; Polaskova V; Khan A, 2015, 'Bead-based multiplex immuno-assays for cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and other analytes: Median fluorescence intensities versus their derived absolute concentration values for statistical analysis', Cytokine, 71, pp. 188 - 198,
Journal articles | 2015
Fernando N; Panozzo J; Tausz M; Norton R; Fitzgerald G; Khan A; Seneweera S, 2015, 'Rising CO2 concentration altered wheat grain proteome and flour rheological characteristics', Food Chemistry, 170, pp. 448 - 454,
Journal articles | 2015
Mahboob S; Ahn SB; Cheruku HR; Cantor D; Rennel E; Fredriksson S; Edfeldt G; Breen EJ; Khan A; Mohamedali A; Muktadir MG; Ranganathan S; Tan SH; Nice E; Baker MS, 2015, 'A novel multiplexed immunoassay identifies CEA, IL-8 and prolactin as prospective markers for Dukes' stages A-D colorectal cancers', Clinical Proteomics, 12,
Journal articles | 2014
Ahn SB; Khan A, 2014, 'Detection and quantitation of twenty-seven cytokines, chemokines and growth factors pre- and post-high abundance protein depletion in human plasma', EuPA Open Proteomics, 3, pp. 78 - 84,
Journal articles | 2014
Khan A; Wesemael W; Moens M, 2014, 'Influence of temperature on the development of the temperate root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax', Russian Journal of Nematology, 22, pp. 1 - 9
Journal articles | 2014
Rogers LJ; Suchowerska N; Khan A; Polaskova V; Mckenzie DR, 2014, 'Profiling of the secretome of human cancer cells: Preparation of supernatant for proteomic analysis', Electrophoresis, 35, pp. 2626 - 2633,
Journal articles | 2013
Schmidt SA; Jacob SS; Ahn SB; Rupasinghe T; Krömer JO; Khan A; Varela C, 2013, 'Two strings to the systems biology bow: Co-extracting the metabolome and proteome of yeast', Metabolomics, 9, pp. 173 - 188,
Journal articles | 2012
Khan A, 2012, 'Detection and quantitation of forty eight cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and nine acute phase proteins in healthy human plasma, saliva and urine', Journal of Proteomics, 75, pp. 4802 - 4819,
Journal articles | 2011
Tokushige N; Markham R; Crossett B; Ahn SB; Nelaturi VL; Khan A; Fraser IS, 2011, 'Discovery of a novel biomarker in the urine in women with endometriosis', Fertility and Sterility, 95, pp. 46 - 49,
Polaskova V; Kapur A; Khan A; Molloy MP; Baker MS, 2010, 'High-abundance protein depletion: Comparison of methods for human plasma biomarker discovery', Electrophoresis, 31, pp. 471 - 482,
Journal articles | 2010
Polaskova V; Kapur A; Khan A; Molloy MP; Baker MS, 2010, 'High‐abundance protein depletion: Comparison of methods for human plasma biomarker discovery', PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications, 4, pp. 774 - 774,
Journal articles | 2009
Peterson R; Grinyer J; Joss J; Khan A; Nevalainen H, 2009, 'Fungal proteins with mannanase activity identified directly from a Congo Red stained zymogram by mass spectrometry', Journal of Microbiological Methods, 79, pp. 374 - 377,
Journal articles | 2008
Gibson F; Anderson L; Babnigg G; Baker M; Berth M; Binz PA; Borthwick A; Cash P; Day BW; Friedman DB; Garland D; Gutstein HB; Hoogland C; Jones NA; Khan A; Klose J; Lamond AI; Lemkin PF; Lilley KS; Minden J; Morris NJ; Paton NW; Pisano MR; Prime JE; Rabilloud T; Stead DA; Taylor CF; Voshol H; Wipat A; Jones AR, 2008, 'Guidelines for reporting the use of gel electrophoresis in proteomics', Nature Biotechnology, 26, pp. 863 - 864,
Journal articles | 2008
Khan A; Williams KL; Soon J; Nevalainen HKM, 2008, 'Proteomic analysis of the knob-producing nematode-trapping fungus Monacrosporium lysipagum', Mycological Research, 112, pp. 1447 - 1452,
Journal articles | 2008
Nalos M; Huang S; Sluyter R; Khan A; Santner-Nanan B; Nanan R; McLean AS, 2008, '"Host tissue damage" signal ATP impairs IL-12 and IFNγ secretion in LPS stimulated whole human blood (Intensive Care Medicine DOI: 10.1007/s00134-008-1156-y)', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 1933,
Journal articles | 2008
Nalos M; Huang S; Sluyter R; Khan A; Santner-Nanan B; Nanan R; McLean AS, 2008, '"Host tissue damage" signal ATP impairs IL-12 and IFNγ secretion in LPS stimulated whole human blood', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 1891 - 1897,
Journal articles | 2007
Khan A; Baker MS, 2007, 'Non-specific binding of monoclonal human erythropoietin antibody AE7A5 to Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins', Clinica Chimica Acta, 379, pp. 173 - 175,
Journal articles | 2007
Nalos M; Huang S; Khan A; McLean A, 2007, 'Interferon gamma levels are reduced by adenosine 5'-triphosphate in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated whole human blood', Critical Care, 11, pp. P5 - P5,
Journal articles | 2006
Khan A; Packer N, 2006, 'Reply by the authors to 'New urinary EPO drug testing method using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis'', Clinica Chimica Acta, 373, pp. 188,
Journal articles | 2006
Khan A; Packer NH, 2006, 'Simple urinary sample preparation for proteomic analysis', Journal of Proteome Research, 5, pp. 2824 - 2838,
Journal articles | 2006
Khan A; Williams KL; Nevalainen HKM, 2006, 'Control of plant-parasitic nematodes by Paecilomyces lilacinus and Monacrosporium lysipagum in pot trials', BioControl, 51, pp. 643 - 658,
Journal articles | 2006
Khan A; Williams KL; Nevalainen HKM, 2006, 'Infection of plant-parasitic nematodes by Paecilomyces lilacinus and Monacrosporium lysipagum', BioControl, 51, pp. 659 - 678,
Journal articles | 2005
Khan A; Grinyer J; Truong ST; Breen EJ; Packer NH, 2005, 'New urinary EPO drug testing method using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis', Clinica Chimica Acta, 358, pp. 119 - 130,
Journal articles | 2004
Khan A; Williams KL; Nevalainen HKM, 2004, 'Effects of Paecilomyces lilacinus protease and chitinase on the eggshell structures and hatching of Meloidogyne javanica juveniles', Biological Control, 31, pp. 346 - 352,
Journal articles | 2003
Khan A; Williams K; Molloy MP; Nevalainen H, 2003, 'Purification and characterization of a serine protease and chitinases from Paecilomyces lilacinus and detection of chitinase activity on 2D gels', Protein Expression and Purification, 32, pp. 210 - 220,
Journal articles | 2003
Khan A; Williams K; Nevalainen H, 2003, 'Testing the nematophagous biological control strain Paecilomyces lilacinus 251 for paecilotoxin production', FEMS Microbiology Letters, 227, pp. 107 - 111,
Journal articles | 1999
Holland RJ; Williams KL; Khan A, 1999, 'Infection of Meloidogyne javanica by Paecilomyces lilacinus', Nematology, 1, pp. 131 - 139,
Preprints | 2020
Herwanto V; Wang Y; Shojaei M; Khan A; Lai K; Shetty A; Huang S; Chew T; Teoh S; Nalos M; Chakraborty M; McLean AS; Tang BMP, 2020, Impaired peripheral mononuclear cell metabolism in patients at risk of developing sepsis: A cohort study,
Preprints | 2009
Gibson F; Anderson L; Babnigg G; Baker M; Berth M; Binz P-A; Borthwick A; Cash P; Day BW; Friedman DB; Garland D; Gutstein HB; Hoogland C; Jones NA; Khan A; Klose J; Lamond AI; Lemkin PF; Lilley KS; Minden J; Morris NJ; Paton NW; Pisano MR; Prime JE; Rabilloud T; Stead DA; Taylor CF; Voshol H; Wipat A; Jones AR, 2009, Guidelines for reporting the use of gel electrophoresis in proteomics,