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Regular opportunities.

HDR Scholarships
- International/Domestic Scholarships, HDR Scholarship details. For further details see the HDR Application Process.
If you receive an HDR scholarship, Extra top-up will be provided if you receive a HDR scholarship
- Tuition Fee Scholarship, Please contact Prof. Shen for details.
- China Scholarship Council (CSC) Joint Scholarship program (中国国家公派出国留学奖学金). For more details, check the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) website.
To apply for CSC opportunities see this page
Extra top-up scholarships will be provided to CSC awardees. - UNSW Scientia PhD scholarship (closed)
UNSW English requirements can be found here on the UNSW website.
Employment Opportunities
- Research Assistant Please contact Prof. Shen for details.
- Teaching Assistant Please contact Prof. Shen for details.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Other Opportunities
Iron ore and coal are the two largest exports in Australia. ProMO group has a high reputation for collaboration with industries in iron ore and coal sectors including Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, ACARP, Coal Energy Australia, Baosteel. PhD graduates will readily be exposed to these industries for potential employment. The same applies to our research in the fields of photovoltaics, water, biomass etc.
Get in touch
To express your interest in hearing about upcoming opportunities, please contact:
Prof. Yansong Shen | UNSW