Resources, Codes, Policies & Guidelines

Various resources have been collated to assist UNSW researchers enhance their knowledge and understanding of the Responsible Conduct of Research. These resources are presented to assist researchers in meeting their obligations and developing a model of best practice in their research endeavours. This material consists of:
"AI, Large Language Models, and the Responsible Conduct of Research at UNSW": This document outlines UNSW’s position on the use of Generative AI in Research – which includes ChatGPT. This document was released in March 2024.
UNSW Library offers a range of resources to assist researchers in their research and academic endeavours, including discipline specific resources and subject guides. Of general relevance to responsible research conduct are guides on Copyright, Publishing and Open access. The Library can help researchers assess whether a journal engages in ethical publishing and provide advice on matters to consider before submitting a manuscript to a publisher.
UNSW Research provides extensive information to assist researchers. To support UNSW’s commitment to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes responsible research conduct, the Division of Research & Enterprise at UNSW offers a range of core courses and professional development opportunities to enhance the capabilities of UNSW researchers.
This training for researchers develops their skills, knowledge and understanding of their obligations when undertaking research.
Research Ethics & Compliance (RECS) offers specialised training in human ethics, animal ethics, export controls, radiation safety, poisons, and gene technology.
Research Technology Services (ResTech) offers research data management training for researchers. Effective data management is foundational to research best practice and protects a researcher’s work and reputation.
Here we offer a selection of external resources focusing on research integrity and responsible research conduct. This material forms part of a resource toolkit for researchers to use and consider in their research endeavours.
NeuRA has developed a simple checklist called the QuOCCA or Quality Output Checklist and Content Assessment. The stated goal of the QuOCCA is “to support researchers to conduct more open, rigorous and reproducible science, and to allow institutes and institutions to evaluate the quality of their research output” (NeuRA 2024). The QuOCCA offers a valuable tool for researchers in their assessment of peer-reviewed research papers and as a self-assessment tool for their own research.
The Center for Open Science (COS) was established “to start, scale, and sustain open research practices that will democratize access to research, improve inclusion of all stakeholders, enhance accountability to research integrity, facilitate the self-corrective process of science, expand transparency and sharing of all research content, and improve research rigor and reproducibility” (COS 2024). COS offers a wide range of resources, training material, events, webinars and tutorials. COS has been working on various projects including several focusing on reproducibility. COS maintains the Open Science Framework (OSF) to help researchers conduct research more rigorously and manage and share their work more openly.
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) was formed to promote integrity in scholarly research and its publication. COPE provides advice, guidance, education and events to all people involved in publication ethics, from authors and universities to editors and publishers. COPE offers extensive information on its website. This includes seminars, webinars and written material in the form of flowcharts, discussion documents and guidelines. The various themes covered in this material includes authorship disputes, ethics, handling misconduct, artificial intelligence, paper mills, predatory journals, image manipulation, peer review and post publication corrections.
The U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is the U.S. government department responsible for developing policies & procedures to promote responsible conduct of research and reviewing & monitoring research misconduct investigations. Despite certain regulatory differences between the US and Australia, the ORI website offers useful case examples and interactive videos. The Lab and The Research Clinic are interactive training videos that highlight research integrity principles and decision making in real life settings. ORI’s Infographics also present concise information on research misconduct and the responsible conduct of research.
At UNSW the following policy documents provide advice regarding research integrity: the Code of Conduct and Values, the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and the Complaints Management and Investigations Policy and Procedure.
For complaints submitted prior to 17 May 2024, please refer to the relevant Research Code of Conduct.
For complaints submitted prior to 12 February 2024, please refer to the relevant UNSW Research Misconduct Procedure.
At UNSW, the other most frequently used policies and procedures with relevance to research integrity and responsible research conduct are listed below. For all other UNSW policies please visit the UNSW Governance Support Website.
Research Authorship, Publication and Dissemination Policy
Research Authorship and Publication Dispute Management Procedure
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research provides Authorship and Publication and Dissemination Guides.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Research Council (ARC) provide a range of practical guidelines, tools and advice to support responsible and ethical research in Australia.
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 8th edition provide a framework for the conduct of all research in Australia.
Here are copies of the key national codes, policies and guidelines:
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 (Australian Code)
- National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023)
- Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 8th edition (updated 2021)
- Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities: Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders
- Guide to Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- A range of guides on specific topics have been developed to support institutions and researchers comply with the Australian Code:
- ARC Research Integrity Policy
- NHMRC Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy
From time to time the University may issue public statements related to the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).