The next generation of rural and regional doctors can now study in a world-class medical education facility in Wagga Wagga, thanks to the $26 million UNSW Rural Clinical Campus which has opened its doors to students.

Thirty first year students from across regional and rural Australia have commenced their six-year medical degree at The Rural Clinical Campuses, Biomedical Sciences Centre, a state-of-the-art medical training facility, located adjacent to Wagga Wagga Base Hospital.

About 100 medical students in total, from first to sixth year, will study at the four-storey centre, which is a significant investment in rural medical education and the workforce by UNSW, funded through the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Aged Care.

Students will have the use of specialised science laboratories – for the teaching of medical sciences, anatomy and clinical skills – high-tech simulation facilities and a dry anatomy laboratory, as well as a lecture theatre, tutorial rooms, study areas and a lounge, all fitted out with the latest technology.

UNSW Medicine and Health Associate Dean Rural Health and Head, School of Clinical Medicine, Rural, Professor Tara Mackenzie, said the campus marks the beginning of a new era in education for the Murrumbidgee-Riverina region.

“From today, students studying our full six-year undergraduate medical degree in Wagga Wagga will be able to access the same technologically advanced facilities and standard of teaching as their Sydney-based counterparts,” Prof. Mackenzie said.

“Co-located adjacent to the Base Hospital, our strategic partnership with the Murrumbidgee Local Health District will ensure we continue to provide end-to-end, long-term clinical placements in our local hospitals, training the next generation of doctors to practice in the Murrumbidgee-Riverina and other rural and regional areas, whilst also capitalising on valuable local health research opportunities,” Prof. Mackenzie said.

First-year students and staff at the new Wagga Wagga Campus, pictured during Orientation Week in 2025.
First year students were excited to start their medical studies at The Rural Clinical Campuses, Biomedical Sciences Centre. Photo: Josh Ryan

The Director of Medical Education at the new campus, Associate Professor Rashid Hashmi said the centre was a long-time in the making and now stands as a tribute to all who have been involved in bringing this vision to fruition, and to UNSW’s strong commitment to rural medical education and the rural workforce.

“We are excited about the wonderful opportunities ahead for students from the Murrumbidgee-Riverina, and also students coming to the campus from other rural and regional areas, who otherwise might not be able to afford the cost of moving to Sydney to pursue their dream of becoming a doctor,” he said.

Professor Cheryl Jones, Dean of UNSW Medicine and Health, predicted the facility would have a positive impact on the number of doctors practising in the Wagga Wagga area and surrounding regions, including enrolments of Indigenous students.

“Research shows that students who come from rural backgrounds and those who study for extended periods in a rural area are the most likely to live and work in a rural area,” she said.

Students learning at the Rural Clinical Campuses, Biomedical Sciences Centre  in Wagga Wagga.
The new centre ensures regional students have access to the same standard of facilities and teaching as their Sydney-based counterparts. Photo: Josh Ryan

Both new and existing students were excited to tour the new building during Orientation Week, ahead of classes returning for all students next week. 

"I love the new building, it’s really cool … especially the clinical rooms, I’m very excited to use those," said second-year student Annabelle Ussher. "It’s definitely a big step up [from Harvey House] which is really exciting, and all the facilities look incredible, so I can’t wait to start studying here."

“It’s definitely got a lot of great updated facilities,” added fifth-year student Tim Morsanuto, who is among the inaugural group of medical students able to complete their full medical degree at the Wagga Wagga Campus. 

“There is going to be less going to Sydney, going to Albury … to make use of lab facilities that up until this new building, we just didn’t have access to. So hopefully there will be quite a few less bus trips for the Phase 1 students especially."

The new UNSW Rural Clinical Campuses, Biomedical Sciences Centre, was supported by a $21 million funding commitment from the federal government, as part of its investment in the Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network, to help universities expand medical teaching in the region.