Students and volunteers from Kingsford Legal Centre (KLC) recently held interactive discussions on gendered violence prevention for young people at Sydney high schools.

The discussions are part of KLC's long-established legal education program tailored to high school students. The education program tackles issues such as consent and sexual harassment; and teaches the right to be free from violence and harassment. 

KLC has found that young people in their first years of paid employment are at high risk of experiencing sexual harassment at work. This includes high school students who may have directly experienced workplace harassment or want to know how to support someone else. 

At the recent visits to Lycée Condorcet and Sydney Boys High School, KLC's Community Law Clinic students delivered the sessions alongside KLC lawyers. They also led small group activities discussing gendered violence and how everyone can work together to prevent it. 

Afterwards, the high school students shared positive feedback about the sessions, including:

  • "The people were very engaging and made it easy to understand."
  • "I liked being able to interact and talk about the problems."
  • "I liked the little group because we could all participate and see the different views of the other person." 

KLC staff thank the schools and teachers for the invitation to visit and to UNSW Law & Justice students for their fabulous work leading the discussions.