Dr Zhang is currently leading a cross-university research project funded by Water Research Australia (WaterRA) to conduct a detailed review of stormwater quality, treatment technologies and risk mitigation for stormwater harvesting (in collaboration with many WaterRA partners, e.g., Melbourne Water, Sydney Water, Stormwater Australia, Water Corporation, Yarra Valley Water, Wannon Water). This is expected to support the development of evidence-based stormwater recycling guidelines, and consequently advance the uptake of stormwater harvesting for supplementing water supply.
Through his research, Dr Zhang tries to promote the use of green technologies for sustainable urban water management among cities across the world. This is done not just through technology development but also via tackling relevant social-technical challenges (using a multidisciplinary approach) during the technology implementation, e.g., considering aspects of human wellbeing, policy, governance, etc.
Dr Zhang is also actively working among the international research community, through editing / guest-editing of journals, organisation of international conferences, invited talks in local and international conferences, seminars, review of scientific papers etc.