Professor Chris Sorrell was interviewed at Proactive Investor media on his collaborative Topaz Research with Chase Mining.The study is on the mullite fibre from topaz recovered from advanced tenements at the Northern New South Wales.
Grant Title: Fibre-Reinforced Composites: Single-Crystal Mullite Fibres from Topaz
Investigators: C.C. Sorrell and P. Koshy
Researchers: E. Adabifiroozjaei, J.K.F. Yau, M. Mayyas, and S.S. Mofarah
Research Partners: D. Miskovic and K. Laws
Industrial Partner: Topfibre Pty. Ltd. (now Chase Mining Ltd.)
Grants Amount: $535,000 for 3 years (2017-2020)
Goal: To convert the mineral topaz into single-crystal mullite fibres suitable for use as the reinforcing phase in metal matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites
Main Achievements Mullite: Conversion of topaz into mullite fibres suitable for (1) incorporation in matrices and (2) infiltration of molten metal
Main Achievements Alumina: New method for applying in situ alumina coatings
Patents: One in progress