Short courses
Learn from our experts to grow your skillset and advance your career.

Discover UNSW’s law short courses in Sydney
Advance your career with our range of continuing professional development (CPD) courses or hone your skills by enrolling in a single non-award course in an area specific to your employment.
As one of Australia’s top ranking law faculties, UNSW Law & Justice is uniquely positioned to provide engaging, practical and focused education to those in the legal profession or related industries.
Continuing professional development
Conveniently located in the Sydney CBD, UNSW Edge offers face-to-face and online learning opportunities for busy professionals.
Our CPD courses are designed to enable lawyers to fulfil their professional obligations while also providing an engaging experience with known experts.

Non-award & single courses
UNSW Law & Justice offer a range of courses that are available for students who wish to enrol in a single non-award course or who hold an overseas law qualification and need to do a small number of courses to be able to be admitted as a solicitor in NSW.
Students from other Australian universities can also undertake a range of our undergraduate and postgraduate courses as a cross-institutional student.