UNSW Law & Justice is among the most successful law schools in attracting Australian Research Council (ARC) funding.
Our track record of receiving these competitive grants and research fellowships is a testament to our academic excellence and commitment to conducting research with real-world impact.
ARC Fellowships
Evacuations in international law: disasters, conflicts and humanitarian crises
Lead Investigator: Scientia Professor Jane McAdam Funding amount: $3,146,592 (2023-2027)
The Financial Data Revolution: Seizing the Benefits, Controlling the Risks
Lead Investigator: Scientia Professor Ross Buckley Funding amount: $2,634,900 (2020-2025)
Defending constitutional democracy: the military & the constitution in Asia
Lead Investigator: Professor Melissa Crouch Funding amount: $1,205,235 (2025-2028)
Constitutional design and democratic resilience
Lead Investigator: Professor Rosalind Dixon Funding amount: $1,074,409 (2021-2025)
Diplomatic knowledge, disasters and the future of international legal order
Lead Investigator: Professor Fleur Johns Funding amount: $951,471 (2021-2025)
Suspect sciences: enhancing emerging identification technologies and forensic expertise Lead Investigator: Professor Gary Edmond Funding amount: $815,014 (2020)
Informal lawmaking in maritime security: new directions in ocean governance
Lead Investigator: Professor Natalie Klein Funding amount: $1,018,446 (2020)
ARC grants
Remedies for Victims of Modern Slavery in Indo-Pacific Fisheries (DP250102044)
Investigators: Professor Justine Nolan (Lead Investigator), Professor Natalie Klein (CI, UNSW Sydney), Professor Shelley Marshall (CI, RMIT University).
Grant amount: $742,533 (2025-2028)
Fixing Gaps in Ocean Governance: International Law Duties of Persons at Sea (DP250102643)
Investigators: Professor Natalie Klein (Lead Investigator), Professor Sarah Williams (CI, UNSW Sydney), Professor Irini Papanicolopulu (PI, SOAS University of London).
Grant amount: $675,265 (2025-2028)
National Security Exceptions in International Trade and Investment Treaties (DP250100953)
Investigators: Associate Professor Caroline Henckels (Lead Investigator, Monash University), Professor Andrew Mitchell (CI, Monash University), Dr Elizabeth Sheargold (CI, Monash University), Associate Professor Jonathan Bonnitcha (CI, UNSW Sydney).
Grant amount: $549,734 (2025-2028)
Inside the jury: A novel experimental technique to study jury deliberation (DP250102628)
Investigators: Professor Richard Kemp (Lead Investigator, UNSW Sydney), Professor Jill Hunter (CI, UNSW Sydney).
Grant amount: $641,610 (2025-2028)
Responding to sexual harm: an Australian historical criminology approach(DP230101503)
Investigators: Professor Lisa Featherstone (Lead Investigator, La Trobe University), Dr Andy Kaladelfos (CI, UNSW Sydney), Dr Yorick Smaal (CI, Griffith University), Dr Bianca Fileborn (CI, The University of Melbourne).
Grant amount: $ 463,914 (2023-2026)
Judges' work, place and psychological health - a national view (DP220100585)
Investigators: Professor Jill Hunter (Lead Investigator), Professor Prudence Vines (CI, UNSW Sydney), Professor Natalie Skead (CI, The University of Western Australia), Associate Professor Kylie Burns (CI, Griffith University), Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu (CI, Flinders University), Professor Catherine Warner (CI, University of Tasmania), Professor Richard Kemp (CI, UNSW Sydney), Adjunct Associate Professor Terese Henning (CI, University of Tasmania).
Grant amount:$556,708 (2022-2024).
Violence, risk and safety: the changing face of Australian criminal law (DP210101072)
Investigators: Professor Luke McNamara (Lead Investigator), Associate Professor Julia Quilter (CI), Professor Arlie Loughnan (CI, University of Wollongong), Adjunct Professor Russell Hogg (CI, Queensland University of Technology), Emeritus Professor David Brown (CI, University of Sydney), Professor Lindsay Farmer (PI, University of Glasgow, UK).
Grant amount: $327,330
Reimagining judging in international criminal courts: a gendered approach (DP210103628) Investigators: Scientia Professor Louise Chappell (Lead Investigator), Dr Rosemary Grey (CI, University of Sydney), Dr Kcasey McLoughlin (CI, University of Newcastle).
Grant amount: $346,555
Producing, managing and owning knowledge in the 21st century university (DP200101578) Investigators: Professor Kathryn Bowrey (Lead Investigator), Professor Kimberlee Weatherall (CI), Dr Kylie Pappalardo (CI), Professor Irene Watson (CI), Professor Jill McKeough (CI), Emeritus Professor Thomas Cochrane (CI)
Grant amount: $361,000
Improving international law regulation of maritime autonomous vessels (DP200102091)
Investigators: Professor Natalie Klein (Lead Investigator), Associate Professor Douglas Guilfoyle (CI), Associate Professor Md Saiful Karim (CI), Professor Robert McLaughlin (CI).
Grant amount: $158,630
Intoxication evidence in rape trials: a double-edged sword? (DP200100101)
Investigators: Professor Julia Quilter (Lead Investigator, University of Wollongong), Professor Luke McNamara (UNSW Sydney)
Grant amount: $239,322
Non-urban water governance: rethinking compliance and enforcement (DP190101584)
Investigators: Professor Cameron Holley (Lead Investigator), Associate Professor Darren Sinclair (University of Canberra), Dr Jean-Daniel Rinaudo (BRGM The French Geological Survey), Associate Professor Rhett Larson (Arizona State University)
Grant amount: $338,000
Juries, justice and citizenship: historicising women’s inequality (DP190100940) Investigators: Professor Jill Hunter (Lead Investigator), Professor Penelope Russell (University of Sydney), Professor Diane Kirby (UTS), Dr Alecia Simmonds (UTS)
Grant amount: $322,000
Contemporary populism and constitutional democracy (DP190102961)
Investigators: Professor Martin Krygier (Lead Investigator), Associate Professor Adam Czarnota, Professor Wojcieh Sadurski (University of Sydney)
Grant amount: $331,000
Australian violence: understanding victimisation through history (DP190100322)
Investigators: Dr Andy Kaladelfos
Grant amount: $404,636
‘Recognition after Uluru: what next for First Nations?’ (IN190100075) Professor Megan Davis (Lead Investigator), Professor George Williams
Grant amount: $399,600
Fast-track asylum procedures: balancing fairness and efficiency (DE220101189)
Investigators: Associate Professor Daniel Ghezelbash (Lead Investigator)
Grant amount: $458,332 (2022-2024)
Mining the deep oceans: ensuring compliance with international obligations (DE190101081)
Investigators: Dr Aline Jaeckel (Lead Investigator)
Grant amount: $364,990
Protected entry for asylum seekers in history and international refugee law (DE200101236)
Investigators: Dr Claire Higgins (Lead Investigator)
Grant amount: $389,201
Public law accountability of outsourced government services (DE210101055) Investigator: Dr Janina Boughey (Lead Investigator)
Grant amount: $334,775
Artificial intelligence decision-making, privacy and discrimination laws (DE210101183) Investigator: Dr Monika Zalnieriute (Lead Investigator)
Grant amount: $426,530
Non-urban water regulation: next generation compliance & enforcement (LP220200350)
Investigators: Professor Cameron Holley (Lead Investigator), Professor Darren Sinclair (CI, University of Canberra), Dr Juan Castilla-Rho (CI, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Grant amount: $425,995 (2023-2026)
Digitising the drafting of the Australian constitution (LE230100159)
Investigators: Dr Murray Wesson (Lead Investigator, The University of Western Australia), Professor Sarah Murray (CI, The University of Western Australia), Dr Tamara Tulich (CI, The University of Western Australia), Professor John Williams (CI, The University of Adelaide), Professor Anne Twomey (CI, The University of Sydney), Professor Dr Nicholas Aroney (CI, The University of Queensland), Professor James Stellios (CI, The Australian National University), Professor Rosalind Dixon (CI, UNSW Sydney), Professor Ann Genovese (CI, The University of Melbourne), Professor Luke Beck (CI, Monash University), Associate Professor Melissa Castan (CI, Monash University), Associate Professor Benjamin Saunders (CI, Deakin University), Dr Dylan Lino (CI, The University of Queensland).
Grant amount: $ 319,046 (2023)
The Australian Royal Commissions and public inquiries library (LE210100043)
Investigators: Associate Professor Philip Chung (Lead Investigator), Professor Andrew Mowbray (CI, University of Technology Sydney), Dr Gabrielle Appleby (CI UNSW Sydney); Professor Anita Stuhmcke (CI, University of Technology Sydney), Professor Thalia Anthony (CI, University of Technology Sydney), Professor Robert Cunningham (CI, Curtin University), Professor Mark Lunney (CI, The University of New England), Professor Matthew Groves (CI, Deakin University), Professor Gregory Taylor (CI, The University of Adelaide), Associate Professor Luke Beck (CI, Monash University), Associate Professor Andrew Edgar (CI, The University of Sydney), Dr Tanya Josev; Dr Dominique Dalla-Pozza (CI, Australian National University), Dr Vicky Comino (CI, The University of Queensland), Dr Murray Wesson (CI, The University of Western Australia).
Grant amount: $ 539,000 (2021)
Grants from other bodies
UNSW Law & Justice academics have also been successful in obtaining grants from a range of prestigious external funding bodies, including:
Asian Studies Association of Australia
Asian Development Bank
Australia-ASEAN Council
Australian Academy for the Humanities
CPA Australia
Corrs Chambers Westgarth (Linkage partner)
Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) (Linkage Partner)
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia
James Martin Institute
NSW Government
Commonwealth Department of Health
Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
UN Capital Development Fund
USA Networks of Excellence Mobility and Bridging Grants
International Association of Privacy Professionals
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Canada) Partnership Development Shared Grant