Current research candidates

Supervisor's name in brackets
Joshua Aird, ‘Increasing Legislative Accountability to Protect Human Rights: A Proposal for New Zealand’, (Rosalind Dixon/Janina Boughey)
Sherine Al Shallah, 'Refugee Cultural Heritage and the Cultural Rights in International Law' (Lucas Lixinski/Daniel Ghezelbash)
Tomas Alarcon; 'The role of lawyers in the Australian climate movement: from challenging government decision-making to becoming a pedagogical device' (Marc De Leeuw/Amelia Thorpe/Bronwen Morgan)
Aman, ‘Can the subaltern speak law: an exercise in and on international law’ (Fleur Johns/Ben Golder)
Marijke Bassani, 'Indigenous Australian conceptualisations of gender and sexuality' (Christine Forster/Matthew Ball)
Carl Benjamin, ‘Legal Protection against loss caused by digital methods of payment or exchange’ (Prue Vines/Nofar Sheffi)
Suhail Rashid Bhat, ’Delivering Justice for Human Rights Abuses and Breaches of International Law through Non-State Mechanisms: Evaluating the Work of the Peoples Tribunals on Kashmir, Sri Lanka, and Palestine’ (Fleur Johns/Lucas Lixinski)
Maria Alarcon Blazquez, ‘An Interdisciplinary Approach To Enhancing Environmental Governance, Policy and Implementation of Legal Frameworks through Ocean Accounts’ (Ben Milligan/Mitchell Lyons/Phil James)
Alice Bleby, ‘Rights for Nature, Environmental Law and Protecting the New Earth’ (Cameron Holley/Marc De Leeuw/Rosemary Rayfuse)
Karen Bowers, ‘Is mediation the best medicine? Evaluating the impact of pre-court procedures for medical negligence cases in Australia’ (Lisa Toohey/Prue Vines)
Mia Bridle, ‘Data-driven approaches to improving the efficiency and fairness of refugee status determination procedures in Australia’ (Daniel Ghezelbash/Lyria Bennett Moses)
Nikki Chamberlain, opens in a new window, ‘Remedying Mass Medical Device Harms: The Impact of Civil Procedure on Medical Device Product Liability Outcomes’, (Michael Legg/Prue Vines)
John Chellew, 'Financial Derivatives versus Gambling: Where Should Australia Draw the Legal/Regulatory Dividing Line? A Comparative Analysis of Australia's Law and Practice with that in the US and UK' (Dimity Kingsford-Smith/Scott Donald)
Genna Churches, 'Government data surveillance: A necessary tool in the prevention of terrorism' (Gabrielle Appleby/Paul Kildea)
Keyvan Dorostkar, ‘Fast-Track: At what expense? Understanding how the fast-track system has operated 8 years on’ (Daniel Ghezelbash/Lyria Bennett Moses)
Bruce Duncan; ‘Chinese ICT legislative framework revision in response to technological evolution; a comparative with United States course’ (Deborah Healey/Kayleen Manwaring/Lu Wang)
John Fitzgerald, 'Drawing and counting legislation - will it help?' (Lyria Bennett Moses/Thomas Britz/Ben Hachey)
Alexandre Fleck, 'Social media, courts and community' (Jill Hunter/Daniel Joyce/Lyria Bennett Moses)
Vasiliki Franco-Klothos, ‘Responding to Sexual Violence: Developing Alternative Accountability Processes’ (Andy Kaladelfos/George (Kev) Dertadian)
Joshua Gibson, 'Institutionalising human rights in the court? Constructing an account of the role and influence of national human rights' institutions as Amicus Curiae' (Gabrielle Appleby/Sean Brennan)
Madeline Gleeson, 'Refugee protection and shared state responsibility in the Asia Pacific: A conceptual framework for accountability under international law' (Jane McAdam/Guy Goodwin-Gill)
Meredith Hagger, ‘An exploration of the governance of four urban waterways in two Australia jurisdictions to generate new knowledge about the roles of state actors in complex systems and how law shapes the way these roles are performed’ (Cameron Holley/Marilu Melo Zurita)
Aidan Hammerschmid, ‘Exclusion from refugee protection: Individual responsibility for contravening the purposes and principles of the United Nations.' (Sarah Williams/Jane McAdam)
Jodie Hampson, ‘Enabling Cooperative Platform Economies: Tools, Rules and Practices’ (Bronwen Morgan/Amelia Thorpe/Selena Griffith)
Xiaolei Han. ‘Understanding the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the Belt and Road Initiative: Characteristics, Challenges, and Implications’ (Kun Fan/Jonathan Bonnitcha)
Samara Hand, ‘This research seeks to contribute to the growing field of genocide studies by examining how a genocide lens can be useful in understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to education’, (Sarah Williams/Lucas Lixinski/Kevin Lowe)
Maryam Hashimi, ‘A socio-legal study of gaps in NSW's anti-vilification laws and impacts on the Muslim community’ (Luke McNamara/Geoffrey Levey)
Paul Hayes, ‘The post-1901 history of military callouts to aid Australian governments. Certain 'domestic emergency' case studies are to be examined e.g. 1949 Coal Strike, 1978 CHOGRM bombing and 1989 Airline Pilots Dispute’, (Catherine Bond/Sarah Williams/Paul Kildea)
Martin Hill, ‘How Australian courts weigh contextual factors when interpreting legislation’ (Lisa Crawford/Prue Vines)
Shakhawat Hossein, ‘Social Media and Judges' Privacy in the Digital Era: Implications for the Justice System’, (Gabrielle Appleby/Janina Boughey)
Mohammad Ibrahim, ‘Stealth theocracy in democratising Indonesia’ (Melissa Crouch/Theunis Roux)
Mariam Ahmed Aly Nashat Ismail, ‘The Legal new challenges of aligning companies, procurement strategies with Corporate Social Responsibility in France, USA, and Egypt: Comparative approach’ (Marina Nehme/Scott Donald)
Abbas Jamaliarmandi, ‘Towards a Bio-political Theology: The Problem of Biopolitics and Biopower in Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault’ (Daniel McLoughlin/Ben Golder)
Kathryn Jurd, ‘Prosecuting Animal Cruelty - Legislative and Sentencing Regime Change’ (Cameron Holley/Gary Edmond)
Surbhi Karwa, ‘Protecting 'Our' Women: A feminist legal inquiry into India's founding moment’ (Ros Dixon/Chris Forster)
Christopher Kelly, 'Sustainable shipping and maritime connectivity in Fiji: a framework and agenda for regulatory reform' (Cameron Holley/Ben Milligan)
Rachel Kennedy, 'Human Rights and Neurotechnology' (Fleur Johns/Marc De Leeuw)
Swagota Kotoky, 'Buyer's duty of care towards supply chain workers: changing assumptions based on evidence' (Justine Nolan/May Cheong)
Yuxin Liu, ‘Global Value Chains for A Green Transition and International Trade Regulation’ (Weihuan Zhou/Kun Fan/Lu Wang)
David Lusty, 'Reconciling a fair trial under the accusatorial system of criminal justice with the use of evidence lawfully compelled from an accused' (Jill Hunter/Lisa Crawford)
Peta Macgillivray, ‘Children and young people with mental and cognitive impairment in the juvenile justice system in NSW), (Luke McNamara/Kyllie Cripps)
Amarnath Boopalam Manjunath, ‘Is Labour Law Adequate to Protect the Rights of Street Vendors?’ (Christine Forster/Amelia Thorpe)
Jessica Vincentia Marpaung, ‘Socio-Legal Analysis on the Eradication of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Against Women Within the Context of Legal Pluralism: The Case of Indonesia’ (Melissa Crouch/Chris Forster/Elisabeth Kramer)
Millicent McCreath, ‘International Law for the marine environment in the Anthropocene’ (Rosemary Rayfuse/Natalie Klein/Jonathan Bonnitcha)
Douglas McDonald-Norman, ‘Administrative Law and Justice in India' (Ros Dixon/Janina Boughey)
Tina McPhee, ‘Counting the Collateral Consequences of Conviction. "Live" database that acts as an online resource continually identifying and categorising the thousands of collateral consequences across Australia to inform lawyers, support services, police’ (Maria Giannacopoulos/Vicki Sentas)
Sinethemba Memela, ‘Constitutionalism in the Popular Imagination in South Africa’ (Rosalind Dixon/Elisabeth Perham)
Jason Moore, ‘Neurophysical responsibility, mental health and youth detention’ (Marc De Leeuw/Tony Butler/Gary Edmond)
Chun Wai (Clem) Ng, ‘Aboriginal self-determination and the justice context: legal pluralism, criminal jurisdiction and decarceration strategies’ (Jill Hunter/Vicki Sentas/Kyllie Cripps)
Ka Chun (Eric) Ng, ‘Do the regulatory changes of the recommendations in the final report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in relation to insurance go far enough?’, (Scott Donald/Marina Nehme)
Jonathan O’Donohue, ‘Human rights compliance of the International Criminal Court’ (Sarah Williams/Christine Forster/Christoph Sperfeldt)
Alice Palithorpe, ‘The future of climate-related internal displacement in Australia: How should Australia respond to people who are displaced within its territory as a result of: a) climate-related disasters; and/or b) the impacts of climate change on the environment’ (Jane McAdam/Amelia Thorpe)
Sorrel Palmer, ‘The extent to which the NSW coronial system adequately promotes better outcomes for children in out of home care or known to the child protection authority and to what extent could the system be reformed to better achieve those outcomes’ (Prue Vines/Althea Gibson)
Samuel Pascoe, ‘The great war of ideas - A review into national security communications’ (Alyce McGovern/Srinjoy Bose)
Bruno Pegorari, ‘The Function of Remedies in International Law: Unity in Diversity?’ (Natalie Klein/Jonathan Bonnitcha/Lucas Lixinski)
Sonia Qadir, ‘Security, Precarious Populations and the Neoliberal Age’ (Daniel McLoughlin/Ben Golder/Vicki Sentas)
Fleur Ramsay, 'Sovereign pleasures and prohibitions - Law and law-breaking in the prohibition era in the USA (1919-1933)' (Ben Golder/Vicki Sentas)
Md. Abdur Razzak, ‘International law and the changing dynamics of the human rights due diligence in the Global Apparel Supply Chain: Implications for Bangladesh’ (Justine Nolan/Jonathan Bonnitcha)
Paolo Remati, 'The digital dreaming dilemma: Australian intellectual property, expert opinion evidence and protecting ICIP rights' (Alexandra George/Natalie Stoianoff/Dimity Kingsford-Smith)
Lily Richardson, ‘Changing the Tune: Affecting reform around gendered discrimination and harm in the music industry’ (Phillip Wadds/Andy Kaladelfos)
Simone Rowe, ‘People with cognitive disability and complex support needs - voices in policy and practice’ (Phillip Wadds/Eileen Baldry/Leanne DowseAngela Dew)
Ali Salmande, ‘The Role of Domestic Courts in Promoting ASEAN Regional Integration: A Study of Indonesian Courts' Decisions on ASEAN Law Instruments (2011-2022)’ (Melissa Crouch/Jonathan Bonnitcha)
Shohini Sengupta, opens in a new window, ‘Digital Identity as the Foundation for the Governance of a Digital Economy: Observations from India’ (Ross Buckley/Natalia Jevglevskaja)
Stefan Skopelja, 'Rethinking causation: From theory to practice' (Marc De Leeuw/Arthur Glass/Keith Mason)
Shreeya Smith, 'Asylum seekers, mandatory detention and constitutional limits on the exercise of non-statutory executive power' (Rosalind Dixon/Gabrielle Appleby)
Daniel Vieira Bogea Soares, 'Court-curbing and democratic resilience in comparative perspective. The research aims to answer the following question: how do the political limits imposed on constitutional courts by elected officials shape their institutional development?' (Ros Dixon/Lucas Lixinski)
Apei Song, opens in a new window, Making 'Recovery Happen: How to Understand Citizenship and Employment of Chinese People Who Inject Drugs' (George (Kev) Dertadian/Phillip Wadds/Fengshi Wu)
Chhunvvoleak Srun, ‘The Caseload Issue in Cambodian First Instance Courts: Lesson Learned from Japanese and Australian Judiciary’ (Melissa Crouch/James Metzger/Jill Hunter)
Zihan Su, ‘Oppression Remedies for Shareholders in China -- From the Perspective of Australian Legal System’ (Xiaochuan Weng/Marina Nehme)
Anna Talbot, ‘How has regional and domestic litigation advanced responses to the issue of human displacement in the context of climate change (DICCC), and where do gaps in litigation relating to DICCC remain?’ (Jane McAdam/Amelia Thorpe)
Jeremy Thorpe, ‘An Empirical View of Copyright Litigation in Australia’ (Kathy Bowrey/Michael Handler)
Tirtawening, ‘Access to Justice for Children: The Ability to Name, Blame and Claim’ (Melissa Crouch/Noam Peleg)
Mia Trzecinski, ‘Legal and geopolitical implications of the development of Central Bank Digital Currencies for both Australia and the global financial system’ (Ross Buckley/Anton Didenko)
Kazi Ashraf Uddin, opens in a new window; ‘Defining South Asian Transgenderism: Quest for a Queer Methodology through Disability Studies’ (Andy Kaladelfos/Joyce Wu)
Alanna Van der Veen, 'Killing Time: The Challenges of Reforming Unreasonable Criminal Trial Delay' (Jill Hunter/Justine Rogers/Nicholas Cowdery)
Suzanne Varrall, ‘Corporate accountability for international arms transfers' (Sarah Williams/Justine Nolan/Daniel Joyce)
Natasha Yacoub, ‘Gendering the International Law Criteria for Return of Refugees: the case of Sudan.’ (Jane McAdam/Christine Forster)
Vinitka Vij, ‘Treating Developing Countries in a World Running Out of Time: Determining How to Treat Developing Countries in the 'Trade-and-Environment' Context' (Weihuan Zhou/Natalie Klein)
Thi Hoang Anh Vo, ‘Maritime law enforcement forces in disputed waters: The interplay of international humanitarian law and the law of the sea’, (Natalie Klein/Sarah Williams)
Shanil Wijesinha, Judicial Non-Dissent in Sri Lanka'. I will be analysing what dissent - and especially judicial dissent - is, why it matters, why Sri Lankan judges don't dissent often and what, if anything, could encourage a shift’ (Rosalind Dixon/Theunis Roux)
Sarah Wyatt, 'Safeguarding the independence of integrity agencies in Australia' (Janina Boughey/Gabrielle Appleby)
Yu Xiao, ‘Legal and Institutional Changes under Centralization: A Case Study of China's Third Round of Land Contracting’ (Theunis Roux/Bingqin Li/Martin Krygier)
Rutaban Yameen, ‘Reviving the Relevance of the Refugee Convention and International Law: A Study of the Rohingya in Bangladesh’ (Daniel Ghezelbash/Tristan Harley/Claire Higgins)
Supervisor's name in brackets
Samantha Haran, ‘Mapping The Abolitionist Left in Australia: Towards a Revolutionary Abolitionism’ (Daniel McLoughlin/Vicki Sentas)