Law & Justice Peer Leader Program

The Law & Justice Peer Leader Program is available to Law & Justice dual degree students and Juris Doctor (JD) students in the first year of their degree. The aim of the program is to develop your understanding of legal concepts and skills needed for the study of Law & Justice. The program is available free of charge to any student who needs it, and students with English as a second language are encouraged to join the program as soon as classes begin. 

You can expect to meet with your tutor, a senior Law & Justice student, for one hour per week from Week 3. This is your opportunity to prepare for class participation, to deal with materials you find difficult and to practise your legal skills, such as case reading and statutory interpretation.  

We recommend you get involved in the program for six to eight weeks, depending on how you are going in your legal studies.  

All first-year students will be emailed early in the term about how they can register for the Peer Leader Program via Moodle. 

The convenor of the program is Mark Duffy, opens in a new window.

CrimSoc Peer Mentoring Program

The CrimSoc Peer Mentoring Program, opens in a new window is an academic and social initiative by the UNSW Criminology Society that aims to connect more experienced criminology students with first- and second-year criminology students to support them with their studies. The program is designed to aid students through weekly mentoring sessions, social events and connecting with a network of peers.

Program Mentors will support you with specific courses by providing tips, assisting with course content understanding and directing individuals towards additional resources.

The mentoring sessions will be held in groups of three or more, as well as one-on-one, and will be allocated according to the preferences stated during the application process.

For further information, contact the UNSW Criminology Society, opens in a new window.

LawPLUS Peer Mentoring Program 

This program is designed to help new students adjust to university life and their Law & Justice degree. LawPLUS aims to introduce newcomers to our vibrant student culture and inclusive environment. 

A joint initiative of UNSW Law & Justice and the UNSW Law Society, this program is supported by the UNSW Student Counselling Service. LawPLUS is coordinated and run by student volunteers throughout the year and encompasses:

  • Weekly group meetings with student mentors (Term 1).
  • Exciting social events (all year). 
  • A wide range of skills workshops and presentations (all year). 

You'll join a small group of new Law & Justice students and will be mentored by experienced students – assisting you in your transition from high school, the workplace or another field of study. LawPLUS also provides invaluable opportunities to meet other students out of class hours in both an intimate social setting and larger group environment.  

How to get involved 

All first-year Law & Justice students (undergraduate and transfer) are encouraged to sign up for the LawPLUS program. Registration opens in February during Orientation Week. 

Join the Facebook group for information on how to register and for regular updates and information about all the exciting opportunities and events that are happening with LawPLUS.  

To find out more, email the LawPLUS coordinators.

JD/PG Impact Program 

The JD/PG Impact Program is LawPLUS’s peer mentoring program for students enrolled in the Juris Doctor (JD) and postgraduate programs. It's designed to assist you in making a successful transition by organising fortnightly group meetings throughout the year with experienced JD/PG students. 

As a mentee, you'll regularly meet fellow students who have successfully adjusted to your degree and can give you advice about studying Law & Justice at UNSW. It's an opportunity to meet new people and interact with students who have managed to balance the rigours of their degree with personal and professional commitments. 

To find out more, email the mentoring coordinators.

Student Legal Education Group (SLEG)

Founded at UNSW more than 30 years ago, SLEG is a non-profit organisation that aims to improve access to justice by engaging, educating and empowering members of the community, particularly the vulnerable and disadvantaged. Trained UNSW Law & Justice student presenters deliver free-of-charge workshops and seminars, educating program participants on their legal rights in ways that are meaningful and practical to them. 

Get in touch and join the SLEGacy today, via email or Facebook, opens in a new window.