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- Katharine Booth
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The thesis explores effective remedy for business-related human rights and environmental harms under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. It analyses complaints made to National Contact Points – the non-judicial grievance mechanism under the OECD Guidelines – to identify factors associated with positive remedy outcomes.
- Justine Nolan
- Brooke Marshall
- Joseph Wilde-Ramsing
Area of Interest
Business and human rights, human rights law
- Publications
Katharine Booth, ‘Paternity and Parental Leave: Towards a New International Labour Standard’ (2020) 32 Hastings Women's Law Journal 1
Katharine Booth and Lisa Ford, ‘Ross v Chambers: Assimilation law and policy in the Northern Territory’ (2016) 40 Aboriginal History Journal
Joseph Wilde-Ramsing, Katharine Booth, Ben Vanpeperstraete and Mariëtte van Huijstee, ‘Responsible disengagement from coal as part of a just transition’, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), June 2021, https://www.somo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Responsible-disengagement-from-coal_final.pdf, opens in a new window
Joseph Wilde-Ramsing, Katharine Booth, Birka Wicke and Marian Ingrams, ‘Corporate accountability and the just transition: Frameworks for holding corporations accountable for climate change’, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, 14 December 2020, https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/blog/corporate-accountability-and-the-just-transition-frameworks-for-holding-corporations-accountable-for-climate-change/ , opens in a new window
Katharine Booth, ‘Tackling Worker Exploitation by ‘Gangmasters’ in the UK and Australia - Part 1: An Overview of Labour Hire Licensing Laws in the UK and Australia’, Doing Business Right Blog, 26 May 2020, https://www.asser.nl/DoingBusinessRight/Blog/post/tackling-worker-exploitation-by-gangmasters-in-the-uk-and-australia-part-1-an-overview-of-labour-hire-licensing-laws-in-the-uk-and-australia-by-katharine-booth , opens in a new window
Katharine Booth, ‘Tackling Worker Exploitation by ‘Gangmasters’ in the UK and Australia - Part 2: From Labour Hire Licensing to Modern Slavery Laws’, 26 May 2020, https://www.asser.nl/DoingBusinessRight/Blog/post/tackling-worker-exploitation-by-gangmasters-in-the-uk-and-australia-part-2-from-labour-hire-licensing-to-modern-slavery-laws-by-katharine-booth , opens in a new window
Katharine Booth, ‘A ‘Significant’ and ‘Concrete’ Step Forward? UN Releases Database of Businesses Linked to Israeli Settlements in the OPT (1/2) Reactions to and Scope of the Report’, Business and Human Rights Journal Blog, 27 February 2020, https://www.cambridge.org/core/blog/2020/02/27/a-significant-and-concrete-step-forward-un-releases-database-of-businesses-linked-to-israeli-settlements-in-the-opt-1-2-reactions-to-and-scope-of-the-report/ , opens in a new window
Katharine Booth, ‘A ‘Significant’ and ‘Concrete’ Step Forward? UN Releases Database of Businesses Linked to Israeli Settlements in the OPT (2/2) Its Potential Effects and Impact’, Business and Human Rights Journal Blog, 28 February 2020, https://www.cambridge.org/core/blog/2020/02/28/a-significant-and-concrete-step-forward-un-releases-database-of-businesses-linked-to-israeli-settlements-in-the-opt-2-2-its-potential-effects-and-impact/ , opens in a new window