Justin Jos Poonjatt
B.B.A LL.B.(Hons.), National Law University Odisha, Cuttack, India.
PhD Candidate
Justin is researching the use of private dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve human rights issues. This research will promote framing better business policies while developing internal grievance mechanisms for corporations and hopefully, reduce company-community conflicts by establishing stronger remedial framework which are consistent with international human rights law and other international obligations.
Areas of research
Business and Human Rights
Justine Nolan, Jonathan Bonnitcha
Publications and presentations
J. Jos, ‘Access to remedies and emerging ethical dilemmas: changing contours within the business - human rights debate’, 15(2) Brazilian Journal of International Law (Revista de Direito Internacional) 116, (2018).
J. Jos, ‘Bureaucratization of Transgender Rights: Perspective from the ground’, 14(1) Socio-Legal Review 98, (2018). (Co-authored with Dipika Jain, Gauri Pillai, Surabhi Shukla).
J. Jos, ‘Limiting Gender Variance: Critical Reflections on the Transgender Persons Bill’, 52(4) [2017] Economic and Political Weekly 21. [Commentary]
J. Jos, Making Lives Tougher, Seminar 694 (June 2017). [Commentary]
Justin Jos (2018): The future of business and human rights: theoretical and practical considerations for a UN treaty, Australian Journal of Human Rights.
Justin Jos & Anaïs Tobalagba, Comments on the draft Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, 2019.
Justin Jos, Comments on the Draft National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, 2018.
Justin Jos, Another Day, Another Gas Leak: Business and Human Rights in India, Cambridge Core Blog (United Kingdom), May 2020.
Justin Jos, Singrauli: A case of India’s business-human rights woes, Deccan Herald (India), September 2019.
Justin Jos, Arbitrating business and human rights: What’s in it for women?, The Interpreter (The Lowy Institute, Australia),¬ December 2019.(co-authored with Anais Toblagada).
Justin Jos, Holding foreign corporations liable in US Courts might impact American corporate investments in developing economies, Live Law (India), May 2018.
Presented paper titled ‘Problematizing the Use of Legal Waivers in Business-Human Rights’ Law Schools Global League’s (LSGL) winter academic conference, February 11, 2020, Faculty of Law, UNSW, Sydney.
Presented paper titled ‘Legal Waivers in the Business-Human Rights Framework’, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) Postgraduate Research Students Workshop, 3rd July 2019, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Publications
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