Sydney Chauwa Phiri
Research student
MA Economics, University of Zambia
School of Economics
Email: s.phiri@unsw.edu.au
Supervisors: Dr. Rachida Ouysse, Prof. Petr Sedlacek
Central banker with experience in macroeconomic modelling and forecasting. My research interests are in macroeconomic modelling and forecasting, monetary policy and macroeconomics.
- Research topics
- Awards and Fellowships
- Publications
- Macroeconomics
- Monetary policy
- Finance
- 2023 – Bank of Zambia Scholarship
Peer reviewed Articles
- Mudhune S, Phiri SC, Prescott MR, McCarthy E, Banda A, Haimbe P, Mwansa FM, Mwiche A, Silumesii A, Misheck K, Shakwelele H, Prust ML “Improving the quality of childbirth services in Zambia through introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist and Systems-focused mentorship”. Plos One 15(12): https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244310 (2020)
- Phiri SC, Mudhune S, Prust ML, Haimbe P, Shakwelele H, Chisenga T, Mubiana- Mbewe M, Mzumara, M, McCarthy E, Prescott MR. “Impact of Umoyo mother-infant pair clinics on HIV-positive mothers’ social support, perceived stigma and 12-month retention of their HIV-exposed infants in PMTCT Care: Evidence from a cluster randomised control trial in Zambia”. Trials Journal 20: 505 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3617-8 (2019)
- Mudhune S, Phiri SC, Prescott MR, McCarthy E, Banda A, Haimbe P, Mwansa FD, Mwiche A, Bwalya F, Kabamba M, Shakwelele H, Prust ML, “Improving the quality of childbirth services in Zambia through introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist and systems-focused mentorship” BMC Public Health18:892 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5813-y (2018)
- Phiri, SC, Prescott MR, Prust ML, McCarthy E, Kanchele C, Haimbe P, Shakwelele H, Mudhune S, “Impact of Passenger Engagement through Road Safety Bus Stickers in Public Service Vehicles on Road Traffic Crashes in Zambia: A Randomized Controlled Trial” BMC Public Health 18:872 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5780-3 (2018)
- Phiri SC, Prust ML, Chibawe PC, Misapa R, van den Broek JW, Wilmink N “An exploration of facilitators and challenges in the scale-up of a national, public sector community health worker cadre in Zambia: a qualitative study”. Human Resources for Health Journal, 15:40, Doi 10.1186/s12960-017-0214-3 (2017)
Working Papers
- Phiri Sydney Chauwa, Chisha K., Chipili JM: “Order flow-based microstructure analysis of the spot exchange rate in Zambia” https://publication.aercafricalibrary.org/items/cedf9f59-aa06-4473-8ce1-ef0b8d8babd2 (2023)
- Wakumelo M., Phiri Sydney Chauwa: “Forecasting Inflation in Zambia in the Near-Term: Can Non-linear Univariate Models Improve Upon their Linear Counterparts.” https://www.boz.zm/ForecastingInflationinZambiaintheNearTerm.pdf (2023)
- Chisha K., Phiri SC., Chansa B: “A non-linear analysis of the exchange rate pass-through to food and non-food inflation in Zambia.” https://www.boz.zm/NonlinearERPTResearchBoZWorkingPaper.pdf (2023)
- Phiri SC “Mean reversion of the Real Effective Exchange Rate in Zambia- A nonlinear perspective” Bank of Zambia Working Paper Series WP/2020/2 https://www.boz.zm/css/WP.2020.RevisitingtheMeanReversionoftheRealEffectiveExchangeRateinZambiaANon-Linera-Perspective_Final.pdf (2021)