Sari Puspita Dewi
PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Humanities & Languages
Supervisors: Mira Kim, Stephen Doherty
Before embarking on her PhD journey, Sari served as a lecturer at Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia. During this time, she authored a book, contributed a chapter to a book, and published numerous scientific articles focusing on teaching-learning, ICT, and translation. Passionate about promoting Indonesian language and culture, she actively engages with the community in New South Wales and plays a key role as a committee member in BBBI NSW. Her diverse experiences and dedication underscore her commitment to advancing knowledge in her field at UNSW.
- Research area
- Research outputs
- Translation quality
- Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Academic texts
- English into Indonesian Translation
- 'Indonesian Translation Academic Text: Why It Sounds Awkward? The ASFLA 2023 Conference, November 2023.
- Technology-based Teaching-Learning to Support Education Facing Post-pandemic Era. A book chapter of Indonesia Pos-Pandemic Outlook: Social Perspectives published by BRIN 2022
- English Language Learning at Language Education and Training Centre of Ministry Defense an Ethnographic Study at English Intensive Course LXXXVI – Intermediate Level. Socpus indexed Asian ESP Journal Vol.4/6/2020
- Lecturers’ Perception toward the Barriers of the ICT Use in Language Teaching. Scopus indexed Scitepress Proceeding 2020
- Persepsi Dosen Terhadap Penggunaan ICT dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris // Lecturers’ Perception toward the Use of ICT in Language Teaching. Journal Epigram Vol.16/2/2019
- English for Design and Media. A textbook for students of Design and Media. PNJ Press 2019
- Meaning Equivalence and Shift of Noun Phrases in Bilingual Children’s Literature; Indonesian into English Translation. Journal Polingua Vol.7/2/2018
- Professional Interpreters Practices to Improve Interpreting Skills. Proceedings of Transcons International Seminar - Atmajaya University 2016
- Representasi Kebahasaan Ilmiah pada Penulisan Laporan Tugas Akhir // Academic Writing Representation on Students’ Final Project Report Writing. Journal Epigram Vol.14/2/Okt2016
- Bermain Peran Sebagai Awak Media // Role Play as Journalists. Journal Epigram Vol.13/1/April 2016