Noni Nuriani
Email: n.nuriani@unsw.edu.au
Supervisors: Philip Oldfield, Deo Prasad, Pallivathukkal Thomas
Noni Nuriani is a PhD candidate in the UNSW School of Built Environment, with thirteen years of experience working as a sustainability consultant in Australia. She has worked in various sectors including office, residential, retail, health, hotel, industrial, education, aged care, data centres and defence sectors. She is passionate about improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings as well as achieving high energy efficiency performance in new buildings. She specializes in detailed dynamic energy modelling to achieve operational energy performance, as well as compliance-based energy modellings. She is also a Principal Consultant of Kani Quest Pty Ltd, on energy modelling and sustainability projects.
Noni's PhD research focuses on minimizing the Energy Performance Gap (EPG) in Australia’s commercial building sectors. The first part of the research reviewed the energy modelling practices and industry processes across all commercial building sectors. The second part of the PhD investigates opportunities and challenges in minimising the Energy Performance Gap (EPG) in Australia’s hotel sector.
Noni is a NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) assessor, and a CBD (Commercial Building Disclosure) assessor. She is a member of the NABERS Independent Design Review (IDR) panel, as well as a stakeholder member of the NABERS Steering Committee that oversees the operation of NABERS. She is also active in the industry, as the Marketing and Promotion chair of the International Building Performance Simulation Association Australasia (IBPSA-Australasia) as well as a member of the ED&I committee of IBPSA World.
- Research area
- Architectural science and technology
- Sustainable architecture
- Building science
- Technologies and systems