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Hiruni Kammanankada
Hiruni began her PhD at WRL in January 2022, joining the Tube Fishway team. The Tube Fishway is an innovative fish passage system that aims to enable upstream fish passage over hydraulic barriers (such as dams and weirs) using pipes.
Hiruni's thesis the “Field Deployment of the Tube Fishway System” will look at retrofitting the Tube Fishway system at real sites across NSW to gather experimental field data. Her end goal is to develop a set of guidelines that will outline the correct design and installation of the Tube Fishway.
Hiruni graduated with 1st class honours from her Civil and Environmental Engineering degree at UNSW in 2020 and is also a Water Engineer at Aurecon. Hiruni’s research interests include:
- Fish passage
- Fishway hydraulics
Supervisors: Associate Professor Stefan Felder and Adjunct Professor Bill Peirson
- Publications