German Ricci
PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Social Sciences
Email: german.ricci@unsw.edu.au
Supervisors: Deborah Barros Leal Farias, Fengshi Wu, Elizabeth Thurbon
Work experience
- NSW Casual Academic & Research Assistant, Sydney. August 2023- Today.
- ASHM: Member and Donor Official, Sydney. January 2023- January 2024.
- International Office for Migration (IOM) United Nations: Project Assistant & CBI Focal Point in Argentina. January 2021 – September 2022.
- Grupo Gerdanna, Argentina. January 2015- January 2022.
- PH. D Research Candidate in Social Sciences, Jul-2023 – Dec 2026, UNSW, Australia. UIPA Scholarship awarded. June 2023: Successful Confirmation Review.
- Postgraduate workshop in scientific writing Aug 2020 – Feb 2021, IDES, Argentina.
- Master of Public Policy Jul 2018 – Dec 2019, University of Sydney, Australia. Awarded with two scholarships.
- Postgraduate Diploma Certificate in Workplace Leadership Jan-2018 – Jul 2018, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Local and regional growth and social economy Jun 2016 – Jun 2017, FLACSO, Argentina.
- Bachelor of Sociology Mar 2011 – Dec 2014, UCES, Argentina. “Siteal Medal” for achieving the best average of the Degree in 15 years.
- Research area
- Research outputs
- International relations
- Sociology
- International Organizations
- International Political Economy
- Latin America
- Transnational Private governance
- Scientific research published : The extraterritorial symbolic power of the IMF in its relationship with Argentina. From the Stand-by Agreement in 2018 to the extended fund facilities in 2022. El poder simbólico extraterritorial del FMI en su relación con Argentina. Del Acuerdo Stand-by en 2018 a las Facilidades Extendidas en 2022 | Ricci | Revista Argentina de Ciencia Política (uba.ar) Scientific Journal Revista Argentina de Ciencia Politica RACP. DOI: 10.0031/RACP.10380039. Co-author: Horacio Divito.
- Scientific research published: "La relación entre Argentina y el FMI (2018-2022) Racionalidad Economica y discurso Moral"" (The relationship between Argentina and the IMF (2018-2022) Economic rationality and moral discourse. In the 11th edition of the scientific journal Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología. La relación entre Argentina y el FMI (2018-2022): Racionalidad económica y discurso moral | Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología (uned.es) https://doi.org/10.5944/ts.2024.39684 January, 2024. Co-author: Horacio Divito.
- Scientific research published in the Book “Exploring the challenges and dilemmas of financing development in South America”. Editorial Teseo » Desafíos y dilemas de financiar el desarrollo en Sudamérica Ed Teseo. Chapter 4: “The IMF in Latin America in the face of the outbreak of the covid 19 pandemic”, November, 2022. Co-author: Pablo Nemina. Cord: E. Vivares."
- Scientific research published in Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas Journal GAPP (ISSN: 1989-8991) (B) - “Monsanto in Argentina: The scope of Transnational Private Regulation” March 2022. Role: Author. Total words: 11.000 DOI: 10.24965.
- Scientific research published in Revista Colección (ISSN 0328-7998) “Argentina and the IMF. The Missions of 2002 and 2016 between recurring crises, symbolic power, and governability” May 2021. Role: Co-Author. Total words: 10.000. DOI: 10.46553/colec.32.2.2021.
- Scientific research published in CUPEA-CERIR Magazine (ISSN 1852-7213) n°133: "The return of the IMF to Argentina in 2018 from a neo-Gramscian perspective." Jan, 2021. Role: Author. Total words: 12.000. DOI:10.35305. Research fellow "Debt and International Organizations" in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, 2020. This article is under review. Author: Pablo Nemiña. Total words: 10.000.
- FLACSO THESIS: Local, territorial development and social economy Diploma. Conducted by supervisor (FLACSO staff)."Proposals for the sustainable decentralization of the city of Buenos Aires in pursuit of regional balance at the national level". 2016. Author: German Ricci. Total words: 10.000.
- Research project: "The identity construction processes of homeless people" at UCES final thesis. December 2014. Author: German Ricci. Supervisor: Cecilia Arizaga. Buenos Aires City. Total words: 12.000.
- Research Fellow. Book: “No me dejes afuera” (Do not let me outside). Patria Grande. Diego Pietrafiesa, 2017. Institution: “Hogar de Cristo” Buenos Aires City. From February 2015 to December 2016. S.B.N: 9789505462728. My role consisted of patterns of interviews, in-depth interviews, and recording.
- Research Fellow " Youth in Latin America who Neither Work nor Study". (May 2014 – October 2014. Author: VANESA D’ALESSANDRE. ISSN 1999-6179. My role consisted of summarizing the literature review.
Other research experience
- Indo Pacific Global Health Case Competition. University of Melbourne. Representing UNSW. December 2022.
- Scientific article evaluator - Omnia Magazine, UCASAL. October 2021.
- Research assistant. Financial Organizations during 2009-2020 for Encyclopedia. Dr. Pablo Nemiña. June-December 2020.
- Associate volunteer in REDAPPE. March 2020- March 2022.
- Associate volunteer in CARI: Australasia Commission. March 2020 – December 2021.
Conference and oral presentations
- Speaker at the UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Higher Degree Research Conference. July 4, 2023.