Dana Lanceman
I am an enthusiastic young ecologist with a passion for all things environment. I started my PhD in September 2022 in coastal ecosystem restoration so that I can help contribute to reinvigorating our natural world. In my spare time, I love exploring our natural marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, and you can find me walking, swimming, bodysurfing, snorkelling, scuba diving, hiking, kayaking, rock-hopping and otherwise having a blast out in nature.
Project: Enhancing coastal ecos...
- Publications
Lanceman, D., Sadat-Noori, M., Gaston, T., Drummond, C. & Glamore, W. (2022). Blue carbon ecosystem monitoring using remote sensing reveals wetland restoration pathways. Frontiers in Environmental Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.924221
Michael, D.R., Schlen, T. & Lanceman, D. (2022). A feeding observation in a free-ranging Grey Snake Hemiaspis damelii (Günther 1876) in the Murrumbidgee catchment, southern NSW. Australian Zoologist, 42(3). https://doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2022.011