Ava (Huijuan) Yu
PhD Teaching Fellow
School of Marketing
Ava is a doctoral student in the School of Marketing and a PhD Teaching Fellow at UNSW Business School. Her research interests are service marketing, consumer behaviour, social marketing, and sustainable marketing. She is developing and applying a measurement instrument to evaluate the educational services performance in her PhD candidature.
In support of her research, Ava was awarded a Travel Grant to attend the 2019 Doctoral Colloquium in Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), where she received a Highly Commended Paper award. Her work also received the Best Paper Award in ANZMAC 2020 Doctoral Colloquium. Recently, her paper was accepted to be published in the ANZMAC 2021 Conference Proceedings.
Ava started to teach at UNSW in 2019. Then she joined the PhD Teaching Fellow program and became the Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) in 2020. She has taught undergraduate (including the BCom IFY course) and postgraduate courses in face-to-face and online modes. The average rate of her teaching evaluation in myExperience is 5.67 out of 6. Promoting a student-cantered working philosophy, she won the Business School Award for Teaching Excellence in Tutoring in 2021.
Meanwhile, Ava has served as the student representative of the UNSW Business School Research Committee for two years. She also served as a reviewer for ABDC A-ranked journal, Australian Journal of Management, and ANZMAC 2021. Currently, she is volunteering as a Peer Mentor in the UNSW HDR Peer Support Program.
Thesis topic: An Exploration of Co-Creation in the Learning Economy: Conceptualisation, Interpretation, Measurement, and Consequences
- Professor Mark Uncles
- Dr Veronica Jiang
Research interests:
- Service marketing
- Consumer behaviour
- Social marketing
- Substainable marketing
- Publications
- Awards
- Grants
- Media
- Yu, H., Uncles, M., and Jiang, Z. (2021), “Co-creation in Learning: Scale Development and Application,” ANZMAC 2021 Conference Proceedings, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Melbourne, Australia
- Yu, H., Uncles, M., and Jiang, Z. (2020), “An Exploration of Co-Creation in the Learning Economy: Conceptualisation, Interpretation, Measurement, and Consequences,” online ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium 2020, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (Best Paper Award)
- Yu, H., Uncles, M., & Jiang, Z. (2019), “Measurement of Co-Creation Experience and its Impact,’ ANZMAC 2019 Mid-Year Doctor Colloquium proceedings, Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy, Sydney, Australia (Highly Commended Paper Award)
- Yu, H. and Uncles, M. (2018), “What Should Be Expected? An Exploration of Co-Creation in Higher Education Institutions,” ANZMAC 2018 Doctor Colloquium proceedings, Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, Australia
- Yu, H. and Zheng, X. (2013), “Contributions to Dependency on Micro-blog concerning Media System Dependency Theory,” ICA 2013: Regional Conference Proceedings, International Communication Association, Shanghai, China (Best Paper Award)
- 2021: Business School Award for Teaching Excellence in Tutoring
- 2021: Research Training Program Scholarship
- 2020: ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium Best Paper Award
- 2020: UNSW Dean’s Award for Service Research
- 2019: ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium Highly Commended Award and Travel Grant
- 2018: UNSW Tuition Fee Scholarship with Stipend