Angtyasti Jiwasiddi
Angty holds a double degree of Information System and Management from Bina Nusantara University and a master degree in Management Science from Universitas Indonesia. Her early career is in risk management in Lippo General Insurance for around a year, after that she enjoyed working part-time and project-based jobs for nearly one and a half year.
Angty's longest professional experience was at Universitas Indonesia (UI), recruited in 2007 by Management Research Center, Faculty of Economics and Business UI. Her main duties are managing several scientific journal, External relations, Projects, and Research. During her working time, Angty has contributed to assisting three academic journals namely; The South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM), Indonesian Capital Market Review (ICMR) and ASEAN Marketing Journal (AMJ) as a nationally accredited journal and Internationally (EBSCO) indexed Journal.
Later on, she also teaches in Universitas Indonesia (vocational program) and actively involved in Internationalization activities, industrial relation, and projects for companies such as Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, Perusahaan Gas Negara, Pos Indonesia, BCA, BNI and as Team member of Local Economic Resource Development a Research Collaboration with Groningen University,
On 2016 Angty was recruited at Bina Nusantara University as Subject Content Coordinator & lecturer. She gives a guest lecture for Rotterdam Business School under the Erasmus Mobility Grant. Her research and publication area was mainly on e-Business and Information System. Currently, she's taking her Ph.D. in UNSW Sydney as one of the awardees of Scientia Scholarship, and become one of the researchers for Digital Work.
- Publications
- Awards
- Grants
- Media
- A. Jiwasiddi & T.E. Balqiah (2016) How does product type, trust, risk, and perceived value affect online purchase intention?, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group
- A.Jiwasiddi, R. Puji Nur Suci, P.Weiss &R. Tang Herman (2016) News Website Perceived Quality; a Comparative Study for News Websites in Indonesia, ICIMTECH proceeding
- M. Riyadh Rizky Adam & A. Jiwasiddi (2017), The Relationship between Website Performance, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention (Case study in klikdokter.com), Emerging Markets: Business and Management Studies Journal, Vol. 3 No. 2
- A. Jiwasiddi & Benyamin (2017), Analyzing ERP Implementation Critical Success Factors for SME: A Study of SAP One Implementation in Jakarta, Pertanika Journal Social Science and Humanities, 139 - 146
- A. Jiwasiddi, Moch Riyadh Rizky Adam, Cooky Tri Adhikara & Ika Triana (2018) Attitude toward Using FinTech among Millenials, ICOBIRD proceeding