Alice Calder
Research student
MA Applied Economics, George Mason University, BA Philosophy and Political Economy, University of Exeter
School of Economics
Email: a.calder@unsw.edu.au
Supervisors: Dr. Pauline Grosjean, Dr. Sarah Walker, Dr. Jane Zhang
Working on topics of economic history, gender and political economy I take an interdisciplinary approach, uncovering and making use of novel data, to understand the effect of policy, history, culture and society on people’s economic decisions and outcomes.
- Research topics
- Awards and Fellowships
- Publications
- Economic History
- Political Economy
- Cultural Economics
- Gender Economics
- 2024 - Empirical Study of Gender Research Network (EGEN) Prize
- 2023 - Best Paper Award, 37th PhD Conference in Economics and Business
- 2022 - Adam Smith Fellowship, Mercatus Center
- 2021 – 2026 - HDR Scholarship, Australian Government
- 2021 - MPDBS Scholarship, UNSW
- ‘Connections Between the New Economic Sociology and the Bloomington School’ [with Virgil Storr] in Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School: Building a New Approach to Policy and the Social Sciences edited by Jayme Lemke and Vlad Tarko, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Agenda Publishing Limited, 2021.