Academic staff - who to contact

four Engineering students writing on and viewing whiteboard


Role Research Discipline Name Phone Email Room
Head of School Telecommunications Prof Jinhong Yuan +61 2 9385 4244 Email  EE 105
Deputy Head of School (Industry Research)    Telecommunications Prof Aruna Seneviratne +61 2 9385 5389 Email  EE 307
Associate Dean (Education) Energy Systems Prof Jayashri Ravishankar +61 2 9385 4458 Email  EE 316
Deputy Head of School (Education)  Energy Systems A/Prof Toan Phung +61 2 9385 5407 Email  EE 123
Director of Academic Studies - Undergraduate Student enquiries Nano/Microsystems A/Prof Aron Michael +61 2 9385 5663 Email  EE 124
Deputy Director of Academic Studies, BE ME Coordinator and Industry Placements Signal Processing Prof Elias Aboutanios +61 2 9385 5010 Email  EE 445
Senior Lecturer, IT Coordinator Systems & Control A/Prof Branislav Hredzak +61 2 9385 4895 Email  TETB324
Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator - Postgraduate Student enquiries Telecommunications A/Prof Shaghik Atakaramians +61 2 9385 0916 Email  EE 122
Deputy Head of School (Research)   Signal Processing Prof David Taubman +61 2 9385 5223 Email  EE 446
Postgraduate Research Coordinator - HDR Student enquiries Energy Systems A/Prof Rukmi Dutta +61 2 9385 7884 Email  EE 406
Head of Systems and Control Systems & Control Prof Andrey Savkin +61 2 9385 6359 Email  EE 341
Head of Nano/Microsystems Nano/Microsystems Prof Rodica Ramer +61 2 9385 4759 Email  EE 308
Head of Energy Systems, Director of Industry Research Energy Systems Prof John Fletcher +61 2 9385 6007 Email  EE 404
Head of Signal Processing, Director of ACSER Signal Processing Prof Andrew Dempster +61 2 9385 6890 Email  EE 409
Director of ANFF Telecommunications Prof François Ladouceur +61 2 9385 5304 Email  EE 342 
Director of Research Systems & Control Prof Victor Solo +61 2 9385 4010 Email  EE 345
Professor Signal Processing Prof Eliathamby Ambikairajah +61 2 9385 4002 Email  EE 226
Professor Nano/Microsystems Prof Andrea Morello +61 2 9385 4972 Email  Newton 201
Professor Telecommunications Prof Gang Ding Peng +61 2 9385 4014 Email  EE 419
Professor Telecommunications Prof Vijay Sivaraman +61 2 9385 6577 Email  EE 443
Professor Telecommunications Prof Wei Zhang +61 2 9385 4033 Email  EE 416
Professor Nano/Microsystems  Prof Andrew Dzurak +61 2 9385 6311 Email Newton W206G
Professor Telecommunications Prof Robert Malaney +61 2 9385 6580 Email  EE 407
Professor Energy Systems Prof Iain MacGill +61 2 9385 4920 Email  TETB316
Associate Professor Nano/Microsystems A/Prof Torsten Lehmann +61 2 9385 5374 Email  EE 343
Associate Professor Telecommunications A/Prof Derrick Wing Kwan Ng +61 2 9385 0063 Email EE 415
Associate Professor Nano/Microsystems A/Prof Arne Laucht +61 2 9385 9516 Email Newton 209
Associate Professor Signal Processing A/Prof Beena Ahmed +61 2 9385 4206 Email  EE 444
Associate Professor Nano/Microsystems A/Prof Jarryd Pla +61 2 9385 0892 Email  Newton  103B 
Postgraduate Research Coordinator (Admissions and Scholarships)    Energy Systems A/Prof Georgios Konstantinou +61 2 9385 7405 Email  TETB 325
Associate Dean (Research Training) Signal Processing A/Prof Vidhyasaharan Sethu +61 2 9385 7737 Email  EE 442
Assistant Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator    Telecommunications A/Prof Hassan Habibi Gharakheili +61 2 9385 5176 Email  EE 417
Senior Lecturer Systems & Control Dr Hendra Nurdin +61 2 9385 7556 Email  EE 315
Senior Lecturer, Laboratory & Sessional Staff Coordinator Signal Processing Dr Inma Tomeo-Reyes +61 2 9385 4933 Email  EE 414
Senior Lecturer, Laboratory & Sessional Staff Coordinator Systems & Control Dr Arash Khatamianfar +61 2 9385 5231 Email  EE 313
Senior Lecturer Energy Systems A/Prof Guo Chen +61 2 9385 4885 Email  EE 306
Senior Lecturer Nano/Microsystems Dr David Tsai +61 2 9385 0562 Email  Samuels 515
Senior Lecturer Nano/Microsystems A/Prof Henry Yang +61 2 9065 9874 Email  Newton 315
Lecturer Energy Systems Dr Daming Zhang +61 2 9385 4070 Email  EE 317
Lecturer/FSRC Representative Telecommunications Dr Wendy Lee   Email EE 312