Associate Professor Craig Roberts

Associate Professor Craig Roberts

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interest

  • Investigate the implications of 3D kinematic datum modernisation for professional and mass market users, particularly in tectonically active environments.
  • Investigate the application of high precision multi-GNSS/ PPP positioning. Leveraging CORS infrastructure and combining UAV or laser scan data for practical application to surveying and geospatial engineering.
  • Understand the policy implications of...
(+61 2) 9385 4464
Civil Engineering Building (H20) Level 4, Room CE412 GDA2020: -33° 55’ 06.0”, 151° 13’ 58.5” Kensington Campus

Heavily involved in marketing activities with the profession to encourage high school students to consider studying Surveying at UNSW: Maths in Surveying day (3 times/ yr), Women in Surveying event on International Women's Day, High School Information days on campus at UNSW (2 times/yr), Careers Markets, etc etc....

Co-organise IGNSS every 2 years

Close relations with industry to place students in work and encourage industry engagement with the School of CVEN.


My Research Supervision

Olga Pimenova - Design of a new vertical datum for Costa Rica

My Teaching

GMAT1110 - Surveying and Geospatial Engineering

GMAT2120 - Surveying and Geospatial Technology

GMAT3700 - Precise Positioning and Applications

GMAT3150 - Field Projects 1

GMAT4150 - Field Projects 2

CVEN4951-3 - Honours Research Thesis (A, B, C)