Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan
Michael Quinlan is emeritus professor in the School of Management and Governance and Director of the Industrial Relations Research Centre. His major expertise is the field of occupational health and safety (OHS) and risk, particularly aspects related to work organisation, management and regulation. In addition to publishing widely on OHS he has undertaken inquiries, investigations and audits for governments in Australia and New Zealand on safety in the trucking industry, mining and OHS re...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Engagement
1979 Callus, R. Quinlan, M. & Rimmer, M. Ethnic Affairs Commission, New South Wales research grant to investigate working lives of migrants in public sector instrumentalities
1983 Quinlan, M. Professor T. Hanami/Ford Foundation travel grant to visit Japan to take part in preparation of book on Comparative Industrial Relations.
1985 Quinlan, M. Littler, C. Gardner, M. & Palmer, G. Federal Department of Employment and Industrial Relations grant for research into Management Attitudes to Industrial Democracy
1986 Quinlan, M. & Gardner, M. Griffith University Research Grant
1987-89 Gardner, M. & Quinlan, M. ARGS/ARC research grant on trade union growth, structure and strategy
1988-89 Quinlan, M. Member Queensland academic design group. Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Study (entailing research grants from the federal government)
1991 Quinlan, M. Awarded ACIRRT grant to convene conference on Research and Education in Occupational Health and Safety at the University of Sydney (and to edit book based on conference proceedings). Worksafe Australia made a matching grant for both the conference and the publication.
1994 Bohle, P. & Quinlan, M. National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC) grant to develop postgraduate teaching module on occupational health and safety for management students.
1994 Mayhew, C. Quinlan, M. & Bennett, L. NOHSC grant to research OHS implications of subcontracting.
1996 Mayhew, C. & Quinlan, M. NOHSC grant to research OHS implications of clothing outwork.
2000 Quinlan, M. Grant from the Motor Accidents Authority of New South Wales to undertake inquiry into safety in the long haul trucking industry $35,000
2001-3 Bohle, P. Quinlan, M. & Williamson, A. Large Australian Research Council Discovery grant to explore OHS effects of precarious employment, $141,381.
2001 Quinlan, M. & Mayhew C. Grant for commissioned research brief from WorkCover New South Wales on developing strategies to address OHS and workers’ compensation responsibilities arising from changing employment relationships. $25,000
2001-5 LaMontagne, A. Aroni, R. McNeil, J. Quinlan, M. Wolfe, R. Grant from National Heart Foundation for research project on occupational stress and health behaviours in low status workers
2003-6 Johnstone, R. & Quinlan, M. Large Australian Research Council Discovery grant on the Implementation of Process Regulation in Occupational Health and Safety: A Comparative Study of Policy and Practice. $163,000
2005-6 Quinlan, M. International Consultant to research grant on employment strain funded by Ontario Workers’ Compensation Board, Canada (Wayne Lewchuk, Alice deWolf, Andy King, Leah Vosko and Emile Tompa).
2007 Bohle, P. & Quinlan, M. UNSW Goldstar grant ($30,000) Aging, Flexibility and OHS
2008 Quinlan, M. & Bohle, P. UNSW Goldstar grant ($30,000) Aging, Flexibility and OHS
2010-15 Employment precarity and poverty in Southern Ontario, Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada CURA Award (multiple investigators), $CAN1,000,000.
2011-13 Quinlan, M. Junor, A. Hampson, I. Barrett, G. Australian Research Council Linkage Grant on the Skill and Safety Effects of Outsourcing Heavy Aircraft Maintenance, $226,000.
2011-13 Bohle P. Quinlan, M. Mavromaras, K. Rawlings-Way, O. Caring for the carers: Occupational health and safety in homecare Australian Research Linkage Grant, $680,205.
2012-14 Bohle P, Quinlan M, Precarious employment: New knowledge, new solutions, ARC Discovery Grant, $345,000.
2012-14 Bohle, P. Matthews, L. Quinlan, M. Traumatic work-related death: Assessing and improving institutional responses to the needs of surviving families, ARC Discovery Grant, $356,430.
2020-2022 ARC Linkage Grant Conviction Politics: The convict roots of Australian democracy, with Professor Tony Moore, Professor Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan et al, $757,205.
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, since 2015
Submissions to Government, Inquiries and unpublished reports and associated appointments/activities
Quinlan, M. (1977) Civil Service Unions and Staff Relations in Hong Kong, Report to British Foreign and Commonwealth Office February (component research report).
Quinlan, M. (1977) Civil Service Unionism in Hong Kong: Some Recent Developments, Report to British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, August (component research report).
Quinlan, M. (1985) Submission to Minister for Employment and Industrial Affairs on Occupational Health and Safety Aspects of the Queensland Factory and Shops Act (under review), 24 January.
Quinlan, M. (1988) Submission to the Committee of Inquiry into the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1961-1987 of Queensland, 21 March.
Quinlan, M. (1988) Submission to Departmental Committee of Inquiry into the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1961-1987. Part VIA - Voluntary Employment Agreements, 22 December.
Quinlan, M. (1993) Submission to Review of Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Legislation - Issues Paper, 8 September.
Quinlan, M. (1994) Interviewed and provided materials to the Industry Commission inquiry into Occupational Health and Safety in Australia.
Quinlan, M. (1995) Commissioned report for Queensland Division of Workplace Health and Safety on recommendations 16-22 (penalties) of Industry Commission report on Work, Health and Safety, April.
Quinlan, M. (1995) Interviewed and made written submission to Tregillis Inquiry into the Integration of the Division of Workplace Health and Safety and the Queensland Workers’ Compensation Board.
Quinlan, M. (1995) The Effects of Subcontracting/Outsourcing on Occupational Health and Safety, Research Report to the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Worksafe Australia).
Quinlan, M. (1996) Submission to Inquiry into Workers’ Compensation and Related Matters in Queensland chaired by Mr Jim Kennedy, May.
Quinlan, M. (1996) Submission to Australian Senate Inquiry into Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 1996, June.
Quinlan, M. (1996), Submission to Inquiry into Occupational Health and Safety in NSW chaired by Professor Ron McCallum, September. (1 citation)
Quinlan, M. (1997), Submission to Inquiry into Workers’ Compensation in NSW chaired by Richard Grellman, April.
Quinlan, M. (1997), Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Legislative Council of New South Wales, Inquiry into Workplace Safety, May. (2 citations)
Quinlan, M. (1998) Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Legislative Council of New South Wales, Inquiry into Workplace Safety Issues Paper, May.
Quinlan, M. (1998), Submission to NSW Pay Equity Inquiry, May.
Quinlan, M. (1998), Gave formal evidence to hearings of Joint Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Legislative Council of New South Wales, Inquiry into Workplace Safety, 17 August.
Quinlan, M. (1998) Submission IR Taskforce Inquiry into Queensland Industrial Relations Legislation, 14 October.
Quinlan, M. (1999) Submission to Australian Senate Inquiry into Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1999, September.
Quinlan, M. (1999) Gave formal evidence to Australian Senate Inquiry into Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1999, 22 October.
Quinlan, M. (2002) Gave formal evidence to Family and Community Development Committee, Parliament of Victoria Inquiry into the conditions of clothing outworkers in Victoria, 15 July.
Quinlan, M. (2002) Developing strategies to address OHS and workers’ compensation responsibilities arising from changing employment relationships, research report prepared for WorkCover Authority of NSW, Sydney. (4 citations)
Quinlan, M. (2002) Submitted formal written opinion to Health Employee Associations Charter Case Challenge, British Columbia.
Quinlan, M. (2003), Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into National Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Frameworks, No. 93.
Johnstone, R. & Quinlan, M. (2003) Written submission to Inquiry into Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act, 26 November.
Bohle, P. Quinlan, Johnstone, R. Williamson, A. & Klostermann, A.(2003 & 2004) Prepared expert reports and advice on behalf of CEPU in connection with Australian Industrial Relations Commission on proposed dedicated mail delivery system by Australia Post, 2003-4.
Quinlan, M. (2003 & 2004) Submitted affidavit, expert witness statements and gave testimony on OHS effects of contingent work to test case on casual employment, NSW Industrial Relations Commission, No.IRC 4330 of 2003, December 2003, February and May 2004.
Quinlan, M. (2004) Gave evidence to Victorian Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into Labour Hire Employment in Victoria, 21 June.
Quinlan, M. (2004-2005) Expert Panel Member, NSW Mine Safety Review, Report to Hon Kerry Hickey MP, Minister for Mineral Resources, November 2004 to February 2005.
Quinlan, M. (2005), Submission to Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee inquiry into the practicality and value of seasonal contract labour, December.
Quinlan, M. (2006) expert submission and cross examination before the NSW Industrial Relations Commission test case on mutual responsibility in the road transport industry.
Quinlan, M. (2006-2007) OHS expert appointed to Independent Inquiry into the Rock Fall incident at the Beaconsfield gold mine on 25 April 2006. Authored expert report prepared for Greg Melick SC, Independent Investigator appointed by the Tasmanian Government), August 2007. Gave expert evidence to the Coronial Inquest into the Death of Larry Knight at the Beaconsfield Gold Mine on 25 April 2006, 4-5 August 2008
Fry, M. Quinlan, M. & Johnstone, R. (2008), Review of Comcare Scheme and Self-insurers, report prepared for the federal Department of Work and Employment Relations (DEWR) for review commissioned by Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, May.
Quinlan, M. (2008) Submission on OHS to DEEWR review of s457 visa scheme, 9 July.
Bluff, L. Johnstone, R. Quinlan, M. (2008), Submission to National OHS Review, 10 July.
Quinlan, M. & Wright L. (2008) Appointed to assist National Transport Commission investigation into safer payment systems for heavy vehicle drivers (July-October 2008).
Quinlan, M. (2010), First Annual Audit of the Mine Safety Unit and Office of Chief Inspector of Mines, Workplace Standards Tasmania, report prepared following recommendations of the Coroner, Magistrates Court of Tasmania.
Quinlan, M. (2010) Expert report prepared in connection with prosecution undertaken by WorkSafe Victoria (details of this remain confidential).
Underhill, E. & Quinlan, M. (2010) Strategies for improving the safe placement of labour hire workers: A project undertaken for the Queensland Division of Workplace Health and Safety, Brisbane.
Quinlan, M. (2011) Report comparing mine health and safety regulation in New Zealand with other countries, Prepared for the New Zealand Department of Labour, Wellington in connection with Pike River Mine disaster.
Quinlan, M. (2011) Survey report reviewing evidence from high hazard incidents and matters related to regulation in underground mining, Prepared for the New Zealand Department of Labour, Wellington in connection with Pike River Mine disaster.
Quinlan, M. (2011) Analysis Report: Reviewing Evidence to Assess Whether the Conclusions & Recommendations of the 2006–2009 Mine Safety Review are Still Relevant and Changes in the Regulatory Framework the Royal Commission Might Consider, Prepared for the New Zealand Department of Labour, Wellington in connection with Pike River Mine disaster.
Quinlan, M. (2011) Submission to Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communication with regard to the Inquiry into the Road Safety Remuneration Bill 2011 and Road Safety (Consequential Amendments and Related Provisions) Bill 2011, 27 December 2011.
Quinlan, M. (2012), Second Audit of the Mine Safety Unit and Office of Chief Inspector of Mines, Workplace Standards Tasmania, report prepared following recommendations of the Coroner, Magistrates Court of Tasmania.
Quinlan, M. (2012), Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal Annual Work Program Submission, 12 September.
Quinlan, M. (2012) Submission to Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety, New Zealand, 11 November.
Fraser, D. Hampson, I. Junor, A. & Quinlan, M. (2014) Submission to Inquiry into Qantas' future as a strong national carrier supporting jobs in Australia, Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport, Australian Parliament.
Quinlan, M. (2020) Engaged by Queensland Independent Board of Inquiry into mine explosion at Grosvenor mine and related matters to prepare expert report on matters pertinent to the inquiry including the use of labour hire workers along with expert statement and giving evidence to hearings of the Inquiry, July-August.
Published Reports
Quinlan, M. (2009), Report on OHS management at the Beaconsfield Joint Venture Gold Mine, Tasmania up to and including the time of the rock fall incident at the 925 level of the mine that occurred at around 9.23pm, resulting in the death of Larry Paul Knight and the entrapment of Todd Andrew Russell and Brant George Webb (expert report prepared for Greg Melick SC, Independent Investigator appointed by the Tasmanian Government), 30 August 2007 (1 citation).
Fry, M. Quinlan, M. & Johnstone, R. (2009), Review of Self Insurance under the Comcare Regime, Report to the federal Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, 15 May 2008. http://www.deewr.gov.au/WorkplaceRelations/Policies/ComcareReview/Documents/TaylorFryReport.pdf
Benach, J. Muntaner, C. Solar, O. Quinlan, M. Chung, H. Santana, V. Vergara, M. (2009) The Global Impact of Employment and Work on Health Inequalities: the need for a new policy agenda in Fontelles, J. ed. Dilemmas in globalisation: Exploring Global Trends and Progressive Solutions. Published by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament in coordination with the Global Progressive Forum, 54-70.
Bohle, P., Finn, J., Quinlan, M. & Rawlings-Way, O. (2009) A Report on the Occupational Health and Safety of Homecare Contract Workers in Adelaide and the Barossa Region. A report prepared for The South Australian Office of the Employee Ombudsman. Sydney: The University of Sydney (1 citation).
Underhill, E. and Quinlan, M. (2010) Strategies for Improving the Safe Placement of Labour Hire Workers, Report Prepared for the Queensland Division of Workplace Health and Safety, Melbourne: Deakin University.
Matthews, L. Bohle, P. Quinlan M. & Rawlings-Way, O. (2011), Traumatic Work-Related Death in the Construction Industry: Experiences of Victims’ Families A Report prepared for the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Work and Health Research Team Ageing, Work and Health Research Unit The University of Sydney.
Cardiff University et al, (2011), Contract to assess the potential impact of emerging trends and risks on labour inspection methodologies in the domain of occupational health and safety (the NERCLIS* Project), Report prepared for the European Commission, Luxembourg (I reviewed and drafted significant elements of this report). http://www.cf.ac.uk/cwerc/reports/NERCLIS%20Vol%201%20FINAL.pdf
Croucher, R. Stumblitz, B. Quinlan, M. & Vickers. I. (2013) Can better working conditions improve the performance of SMEs? An international literature review, International Labour Organisation, Geneva.
Quinlan, M. (2013), Supply chains and networks, Safework Australia, Canberra. http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/SWA/about/Publications/Documents/752/Supply-chains-networks-July-2011-Michael-Quinlan.pdf
Walters, D. Wadsworth, E. & Quinlan, M. (2013) Analysis of the determinants of workplace occupational safety and health practice in a selection of EU Member States, (plus Annexe) European Risk Observatory, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Luxembourg. https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/reports/analysis-determinants-workplace-OSH-in-EU/view
Walters, D. Wadsworth, E. Johnstone, R. & Quinlan, M. (2014) A study of the role of workers’ representatives in health and safety arrangements in coal mines in Queensland, Report prepared with support of the CFMEU, Brisbane.
Quinlan, M. (2014) Third Audit of Mine Safety Unit and Office of Chief Mines Inspector, Tasmania, Worksafe Tasmania, Hobart (1 ISI citations).
Quinlan, M. (2015) The effects of non-standard forms of employment on worker health and safety, Discussion Paper no. 67, International Labour Organisation, Geneva.
Appointments to government advisory bodies, directorships etc
Member, the steering committee Standards Development Standing Committee (SDSC) of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Worksafe Australia) 1995-7.
Expert member, Queensland Metals Manufacturing Industry Workplace Health and Safety Committee, 1994-2000 (prior to this I was an expert member, Warehouse and Retail Industry Workplace Health and Safety Committee, Queensland, 1990 - 1993).
Member, Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Inter Industry Sub-Committee Reviewing Government Materials and Programmes 1993.
Member, Working Party for Review of Workplace Health Safety Program in the Department of Training and Industrial Relations, 1996.
Member, Taskforce on the Prevention and Management of Violence in the Health Workplace, NSW Department of Health, 2001-2.
Member, WorkCover NSW Year 2000 OHS Best Practice Committee, 1997-2000.
Member Expert Reference Group, Pike River Tragedy Implementation for Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand, 2012-2013
Member, Extractives Industry Advisory Group of Worksafe NZ Board, 2014 onwards.
Fellow, Safety Institute of Australia (1992-2018)
Patron, Workplace Tragedy Support Group, 2008-2019.
Director on the Board of the Transport Education Audit Compliance Health Organisation (TEACHO) since 2010.
Director, Mates in Construction, NSW Branch/Division since 2013
Member of the Industrial Relations Society, 1973-2018
Member of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, 1975 to present.
Secretary, Griffith University Faculty Staff Association (Registered Industrial Union of Employees), 1982-1984, 1985-1986
Member, Queensland Trades and Labor Council Occupational Health and Safety Committee, 1986-1994 & delegate, Queensland Trades and Labor Council, 1986
Member, Queensland Workers' Health Centre Co-operative 1981 to 1986
Member, Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand 1983 to present.
Member of Tasmanian History Research Association, 1985 to present.