Professor Gavin Schwarz
The University of Queensland, Graduate School of Management Ph.D. in Management
The University of Auckland, Department of Management Studies & Labour Relations Master of Philosophy (Hons) in Management
The University of Auckland, Department of Management Studies & Labour Relations Bachelor of Arts in Management and English
Gavin Schwarz is a Professor and Head of School at the School of Management and Governance in the UNSW Business School. Gavin is Director of the Health@Business Research Network. His research and work interests include organizational change and organizational inertia, with a particular interest in better understanding how organizations fail when changing, and developing applied strategies for dealing with failure to change. He is also interested in exploring how knowledge develops in organi...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2020. Brock University, Goodman School of Business Grant. (“University communication in times of COVID-19: Decoding the messages through the lenses of international human resource management and transformational change perspectives”, with Bouckenooghe, D., Sanders, K., Nguyen, P., and Rafferty, A., C$13,224).
- 2020. Health@Business Research Network and UNSW Medicine Funding Grant (“Translation and change: Embedding effective change management in health”, with Harrison, R., Dao, H-L., Minbashian, A., Walpola, R., & Chauhan, A., $24,000)
- 2006/2007 Gordon J. Samuels Fellowship
- 2003–2007 Australian Research Council Linkage Project Grant ($234,000) Project: The management of information technology based organizational change
2021 Winner Outstanding Reviewer Award Academy of Management Review
2020 Winner Outstanding Reviewer Award Academy of Management Review
2019 Finalist Best Paper Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Organizational Development and Change Division
2017 Winner Best Reviewer Award Journal of Organizational Behavior
2014 Winner Best Reviewer Award Journal of Organizational Behavior
2013 Winner Best Reviewer Award Journal of Organizational Behavior
2013 Finalist Best Paper 2012 Douglas McGregor Memorial Award, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
2012 Winner Best Reviewer Award Journal of Organizational Behavior.
2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Organizational Development and Change Division, Best Division Paper.
2007 Academy of Management Journal Editorial Board Outstanding Reviewer Award
2004 – 2007 Recognition for outstanding service on the Academy of Management
Journal editorial board
2006/2007 Gordon J. Samuels Fellowship
Current Engagement Includes:
Director, Health@Business Research Network
Executive Board: Secretary and Treasurer, Organizational Development and Change Division Board (ODC), US Academy of Management
Editor in Chief Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2020- 2022)
Current Editorial Boards Academy of Management Review
Journal of Management
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Organization Change Management
My Teaching
MBAX9153 Implementing Strategy