Associate Professor Catherine Collins
Catherine researches how to develop and sustain team effectiveness. She examines how these changes are created from individuals’ proactivity, team processes, work design, organisational structures and systems. Her recent work focuses on how organisational ambidexterity – balancing the tension of coordination across business units for efficiency alongside front line flexibility for innovation and engagement – is needed for teams to thrive. Other research interests include seeking to understand why managers do (or don’t!) use research findings (i.e., evidence-based management) as well as employee well-being. Her applied research in organisations has attracted more than $1M of research funding and is published in top tier journals.
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- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
Current: MGMT5710: Managing & Leading People
COMM1170: Organisational Resources
COMM1110: Evidence-Based Problem-Solving
COMM1120: Collaboration & Innovation in Business
MGMT1001: Introduction to Management
MGMT1002: Organisational Behaviour