Ally Kazacos
Ally Kazacos has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts from UNSW Art & Design.
Throughout Ally Kazacos's four years of study at USNW Art & Design, art has been a foundation upon which she explored a wide spectrum of creative disciplines. Ally purposely made use of one of the strengths that UNSW Art & Design’s multi-disciplinary faculty offers. She focused on the field of photography; expanding her knowledge of cameras and lighting equipment, different photographic techniques, and development and editing processes. From here she branched into media arts and animation. Ally’s now established her own photography studio – One Hungry Photographer – offering clothing companies specialising in skate, street, and swim gear a complementary visual. Her photos, used for promotional purposes, are as crisp, streetwise, and sexy as the clothing and swimwear items being modelled.
For her graduating project - exhibited as part of the major exhibition the A&D ANNUAL 2016 show - Ally created a series of photographs and animated GIFs for a fast food franchise that deliver on her promise to take food “where no other fast food chain has gone before”. Horngry Snacks combines fast food with sex and delivers visuals for a new wave of clientele. Her catch cry is “the burgers are sexier at Hongry Snacks”.