A slinky is used as a variable density solenoid while a magnetic field probe is used to investigate the field in the coil. A value for the permeability of free space is determined.
- Understand the nature of a magnetic field around a solenoid.
- Relate magnetic field to current, length and number of turns of a solenoid.
- Perform calculations with the formula.
- Measure the earth's magnetic field and direction.
- Links to Stage 6 Physics Syllabus Content:
- PH11-11/Magnetism.
- Use magnetic field lines to model qualitatively the direction and strength of magnetic fields produced by magnets, current-carrying wires and solenoids and relate these fields to their effect on magnetic materials that are placed within them. (ACSPH083)
- Conduct investigations into and describe quantitatively the magnetic fields produced by wires and solenoids, including: (ACSPH106, ACSPH107)
- Investigate and explain the process by which ferromagnetic materials become magnetised. (ACSPH083)
- Apply models to represent qualitatively and describe quantitatively the features of magnetic fields.