
Engineers working on a heavy machinery for their project work

Emergency information

On-Campus Emergency (Ambulance/Fire/Police) 24/7

T: 9385 6666

  • State your name.
  • Location of the incident, Building/Floor & Room No.
  • What the emergency is: fire, bomb, gas, chemical spill.

UNSW Security

T: 9385 6000

NSW Poisons Information Centre

 T: 13 11 26

UNSW Health Services

T: 9385 5425

Emergency evacuation procedures

evacuation alarms

1) The ALERT tone  - Beep Beep sound 

  • Used to alert the occupants of the building to prepare for an evacuation and to mobilise the evacuation personnel in the building. 

2) The EVACUATION tone  - Whoop Whoop sound and a recorded voice asking you to evacuate the building 

  • Upon hearing this alarm you must leave the building in an orderly fashion via the nearest fire stairs or exit.
  • Do NOT use the Lift.
  • Meet at the Evacuation Assembly Area outside the Old Main Building.

First aid officers

Tamara Reztsova E:, T: 9385 4577 M:0434 990 677 

Sivakumar Natarajan E:, T: 9385 9890

Kris Karpinski  E:, T: 9065 3568

Jonny Rebolledo Moya, T:93854579

Mental health first aid

Tamara Reztsova E:, T: 9385 4577 M:0434 990 677 

First aid equipment

Physics Safety Committee Members