Meet some of our undergraduate students

Chemistry student in lab

One thing is for sure: the student experience is different for everyone! What they do have in common is being taught by internationally recognised academics in a supportive environment featuring our modern facilities. The hands-on laboratory work is set up to challenge our students for the modern issues they will address in research projects. Our courses are hands-on, challenging and relevant.

A day in the life of our chemistry students

Listen to some of our students describe what their experience is like.

Meet our students

Maria Nicholas

Maria Nicholas

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), Third Year

I was initially drawn to Chemistry at UNSW because it meant I could be hands-on in a lab. It’s a very interactive course that teaches you necessary science skills that can be applied practically in many disciplines. Chemistry is also all around us, and you will come to realise that it is applicable to so many circumstances from academia to daily life such as baking.

The three things I most enjoy about studying Chemistry at UNSW:

  1. The obvious one is being in the lab; it’s fascinating to watch reactions occurring on such a small scale in front of you.
  2. The science community at UNSW is collaborative and supportive. There are so many opportunities to think creatively and solve problems along with scientists from different disciplines. By doing so you get to make new friends, build some professional connections, and learn about chemistry and other science fields more holistically.
  3. I never have to climb The Basser Steps to get to labs :P

Antonia Papasergio

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), Third Year

I chose to study chemistry due to its importance to the conservation of cultural materials. To give myself a solid chemistry background for postgraduate study in this field, I decided to enrol at UNSW to complete a few basic chemistry units. Finding the chemistry courses at UNSW more engaging and enjoyable than I expected, I decided to stay and complete the degree, majoring in chemistry.

In my second year of study, I was able to join a research project led by Dr. Martina Lessio on the improvement of marble conservation treatments using computational chemistry.  Being involved in an active collaboration with conservation scientists in Italy was something I never expected when I first enrolled at UNSW. The exposure to active research, especially in the field I hope to enter, has been invaluable. I hope to use the skills I've gained studying and researching at UNSW in a future career as a conservation scientist.

Antonia Papasergio