The UNSW Introduction to the Sydney Environment (BEES6601) course introduces the physical, biological and environmental issues of Sydney. Topics include the geophysical environment, the natural and biological hazards of Sydney, the Indigenous people of Sydney and contemporary environmental issues associated with the development of Sydney into a global city. The course consists of a series of lectures and workshops (some of which are online) and field class(es) (during which participants will incur personal expenses). The course is designed for newly arrived international students (e.g., Study Abroad, Exchange) as an over-arching theme is developed to compare Sydney to ‘home’ and how perceptions of Sydney change through time. Domestic students cannot enrol in the course without permission and the course is not available to students who are taking Majors in the School of BEES.
Major topics covered during the course include:
- the physical, biological and social environment of Sydney
- the geology, geomorphology and soils of the Sydney basin
- the general climatic characteristics of Sydney
- the natural vegetation of the Sydney basin and human impacts
- the vertebrate zoology of Sydney
- the marine biology of Sydney harbour
- the indigenous people of the Sydney basin
- the European history of Sydney
- the development of Sydney as a global city
- contemporary environmental issues in Sydney.
Term offering:
- Summer term
- T2C
Course attendance: Short/intensive course
- Postgraduate
- Undergraduate - Third Year
Discipline: Geography
Course code: BEES6601
Conditions for enrolment
An Introduction to the Sydney Environment is specially designed for incoming’ study abroad’ or exchange students but is also relevant to any domestic or international students that are new arrivals to Sydney.
The course is available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Although it has no pre-requisites, it’s taught as an upper-level course and not designed for first-year students nor available to students who are doing majors at UNSW Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Career opportunities
Environmental science analyses and provides solutions to current environmental challenges including waste management, climate change and pollution.
At UNSW Science, you can study the Bachelor of Environmental Management or further specialise in this field with our Honours program.
Relevant roles
- Meteorologist
- Geologist
- Geophysicist
- Hydrologist
- Ecologist
- Environmental scientist
- Natural resource manager
- Marine scientist
- Marine biologist
- Environmental scientist
Find out more
For more information, please contact:
Professor Scott Mooney (For Summer Offering)
T: +61 2 9385 8063
Associate Lecturer David Edwards (For Summer Offering)
T: +61 2 9385 8064
Prof. Mike Letnic (For T2C Offering)
T: +61 2 9385 2079