Elizabeth Surovic

Elizabeth Surovic

PhD Student
Evolution and Ecology Research Centre | Centre for Marine Science and Innovation
Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Surovic. I am originally from the United States, and I came to Australia to study the evolution of a unique land fish with Dr. Terry Ord. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in Astrophysics from Texas A&M University and then my Master of Science in Biology from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. My Master's thesis title was: "The Spatial Distribution of the Snake Genus Chironius in Bolivia." I have done fieldwork in Bolivia and the Gulf of Mexico and have skills in programming (Python and R) and ArcGIS mapping. I have worked in various research labs ranging from physics to organismal biology and have several publications. I also taught for two years during my Master's program. Overall, I love to teach and have a passion for learning!

Project: Linking the spatial ecology of Pacific marine blennies to the evolutionary innovation of amphibious behavior and speciation

Supervised by: Terry Ord (Primary), Paul Gribben (Secondary)

Project Description: I am a PhD student working under Associate Professor Terry Ord, researching a family of fish called Blenniidae, focusing on how some species have evolved from water to land. I am specifically looking at how they have spread globally and the morphological and physical changes they have undergone to make this extreme transition.

Contact Details
E: e.surovic@unsw.edu.au

Powell, R., Eversole, C., Lizarro, D., Crocker, A., Calderon, G., Surovic, E., (2021) Rhinobothryum lentiginosum (Scopoli, 1785) (Serpentes, Colubridae): additional country record and list of voucher specimens for Bolivia with comments on erroneous interpretation of historical references and citations. Check List 17(2): 333-338. https://doi.org/10.15560/17.2.333

Eversole, C., Powell, R., Lizzaro, D., Fascii, U., Calderon Vaca, G., Surovic, E., (2020) Ecological niche and species distribution of the Banded Tree Anole (Anolis transversalis; Duméril, 1851 (Sauria, Dactyloidae)) with new record from Bolivia. Herpetological Review 51(4): 686-690.

Powell RL, Eversole CB, Lizarro D, Crocker AV, Calderón Vaca G, Surovic EA (2020) Bothrops taeniatus Wagler, 1824 (Serpentes, Viperidae): additional country record and list of voucher specimens for Bolivia. Check List 16(5): 1143-1147. https://doi.org/10.15560/16.5.1143

Eversole, C., Powell, R., Lizarro, D., Surovic, E., Calderon Vaca, G. (2020). ENGYSTOMOPS PETERSI (Peters’ Dwarf Frog). GROUP FEEDING BEHAVIOR. Herpetological Review. 51 (2). 298-299.

Powell, R., Eversole, C., Lizarro, D., Crocker, A., Surovic, E., Calderón Vaca, G. (2020). Atractus albuquerquei Cunha & Nascimento, 1983 (Serpentes, Dipsadidae): range extension and new country record for Bolivia. Check List. 16 (2). 383-386.

Kolomenskii, A., Surovic, E., & Schuessler, H. (2019). Surface plasmon sensing with broadband coherent laser pulses. Optik. 178. 1240-1247.

Kolomenskii, A., Surovic, E., Schuessler, H. (2018). Optical detection of acoustic waves with surface plasmons. Applied Optics. 57 (20). 5604.

Kolomenskii, A., Surovic, E., Schuessler, H. (2018). Acousto-optical Transducer with Surface Plasmons. International Journal of Thermophysics. 39 (4).