
Aaron Eger
Aaron Eger is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science at UNSW Sydney. His work spans marine ecology, economics, science communication and kelp forest conservation. Aaron’s research has resulted in the first ever kelp restoration guidebook, first ever analysis of the global value of kelp forests, and the first comprehensive review of kelp forest restoration across 300 years of practice. He is also the Founder and Program Director of the Kelp Forest Alliance, a global community of practice and home of the Kelp Forest Challenge, a mission to protect and restore 4 million ha of kelp forests by 2040.
- Publications
Zimmerhackel, Johanna; Piñeiro-Corbeira, Cristina; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas; Bennett, Scott; de Bettignies, Thibaut; Burton, Michael; Buschmann, Alejandro H; Cavanaugh, Kyle C; Dependency of commercial fisheries on kelp forests for valuation of ecosystem services 2024
Purandare, Jemma; de Sousa de Saboya, Roquelina; Bayraktarov, Elisa; Boström‐Einarsson, Lisa; Carnell, Paul E; Eger, Aaron M; Le Port, Agnes; Macreadie, Peter I; Reeves, Simon E; van Kampen, Peter; Database for marine and coastal restoration projects in Australia and New Zealand Ecological Management & Restoration 25 1 14-20 2024
Eger, Aaron M; Marzinelli, Ezequiel M; Beas-Luna, Rodrigo; Blain, Caitlin O; Blamey, Laura K; Byrnes, Jarrett EK; Carnell, Paul E; Choi, Chang Geun; Hessing-Lewis, Margot; Kim, Kwang Young; The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests Nature communications 14 1 1894 2023 Nature Publishing Group UK London
Webster, Michael M; Twohey, Becky; Alagona, Peter S; Arafeh-Dalmau, Nur; Colton, Madhavi A; Eger, Aaron M; Miller, Stephanie N; Pecl, Gretta T; Scheffers, Brett R; Snyder, Rebecca; Assisting adaptation in a changing world Frontiers in Environmental Science 11 1232374 2023 Frontiers Media SA
Eger, Aaron Matthius; Aguirre, J David; Altamirano, María; Arafeh-Dalmau, Nur; Arroyo, Nina Larissa; Bauer-Civiello, Anne M; Beas-Luna, Rodrigo; Bekkby, Trine; Bennett, Scott; Bernal, Blanca; The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests Journal of Applied Phycology Jan-14 2023 Springer Netherlands Dordrecht
Eger, Aaron M; Earp, Hannah S; Friedman, Kim; Gatt, Yasmine; Hagger, Valerie; Hancock, Boze; Kaewsrikhaw, Ratchanee; Mcleod, Elizabeth; Moore, Abigail Mary; Niner, Holly J; The need, opportunities, and challenges for creating a standardized framework for marine restoration monitoring and reporting Biological Conservation 266 109429 2022 Elsevier
Eger, Aaron M; Marzinelli, Ezequiel M; Christie, Hartvig; Fagerli, Camilla W; Fujita, Daisuke; Gonzalez, Alejandra P; Hong, Seok Woo; Kim, Jeong Ha; Lee, Lynn C; McHugh, Tristin Anoush; Global kelp forest restoration: past lessons, present status, and future directions Biological Reviews 97 4 1449-1475 2022 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK
Ward-Paige, CA; White, Easton R; Madin, EMP; Osgood, GJ; Bailes, LK; Bateman, RL; Belonje, E; Burns, KV; Cullain, N; Darbyshire-Jenkins, P; A framework for mapping and monitoring human-ocean interactions in near real-time during COVID-19 and beyond Marine Policy 140 105054 2022 Pergamon
Eger, A; Eddy, Norah; Gleason, Mary; Layton, Cayne; McHugh, Tristin A; Steinberg, Peter; Vergés, Adriana; The Kelp Forest Alliance: A global community of practice to understand, advise, and motivate kelp forest conservation and restoration. 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Eger, AM; Layton, C; McHugh, TA; Gleason, M; Eddy, N; Kelp restoration guidebook: lessons learned from kelp projects around the world Caselle, J., DeAngelis, B., Eds 2022
Eger, Aaron; Ling, Scott D; Mchugh, Anoush; Filbee-dexter, Karen; Kim, Jeong Ha; Marzinelli, Ezequiel; Verbeek, Jan; Barbery, Kendall; Gray, Karen Geisler; Falace, Annalisa; Kelp Forest Restoration in Action (Methods) Kelp Forest Restoration Guidebook: Lessons Learned from Kelp Restoration Projects Around the World 24-39 2022
Eger, AM; Bennett, S; Zimmerhackel, J; Rogers, A; Burton, M; Tasmania, Hobart; Quantifying the ecosystem services of the Great Southern Reef Report to the National Environmental Science Program 2022
Eger, Aaron; Best, Rebecca J; Baum, Julia Kathleen; Dominance determines fish community biomass in a temperate seagrass ecosystem Ecology and Evolution
Eger, Aaron M.; Marzinelli, Ezequiel M.; Steinberg, Peter; Vergés, Adriana; Worldwide Synthesis of Kelp Forest Reforestation doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/5BGTW 2020 Open Science Framework
Eger, Aaron M; Vergés, Adriana; Choi, Chang Geun; Christie, Hartvig; Coleman, Melinda A; Fagerli, Camilla W; Fujita, Daisuke; Hasegawa, Masatoshi; Kim, Jeong Ha; Mayer-Pinto, Mariana; Financial and institutional support are important for large-scale kelp forest restoration Frontiers in Marine Science 7 535277 2020 Frontiers Media SA
Eger, Aaron M; Baum, Julia K; Trophic cascades and connectivity in coastal benthic marine ecosystems: a meta-analysis of experimental and observational research Marine Ecology Progress Series 656 139-152 2020
Vergés, Adriana; Campbell, Alexandra H; Wood, Georgina; Kajlich, Lana; Eger, Aaron M; Cruz, Derrick; Langley, Madelaine; Bolton, Damon; Coleman, Melinda A; Turpin, Jennifer; Operation Crayweed: Ecological and sociocultural aspects of restoring Sydney’s underwater forests Ecological Management & Restoration 21 2 74-85 2020 Wiley Online Library
Eger, Aaron M; Marzinelli, Ezequiel; Gribben, Paul; Johnson, Craig R; Layton, Cayne; Steinberg, Peter D; Wood, Georgina; Silliman, Brian R; Vergés, Adriana; Playing to the positives: Using synergies to enhance kelp forest restoration Frontiers in Marine Science 7 544 2020 Frontiers Media SA
Saunders, Megan I; Doropoulos, Christopher; Bayraktarov, Elisa; Babcock, Russell C; Gorman, Daniel; Eger, Aaron M; Vozzo, Maria L; Gillies, Chris L; Vanderklift, Mathew A; Steven, Andy DL; Bright spots in coastal marine ecosystem restoration Current Biology 30 24 R1500-R1510 2020 Elsevier
Iacarella, Josephine C; Adamczyk, Emily; Bowen, Dan; Chalifour, Lia; Eger, Aaron; Heath, William; Helms, Sibylla; Hessing‐Lewis, Margot; Hunt, Brian PV; MacInnis, Andrew; Anthropogenic disturbance homogenizes seagrass fish communities Global change biology 24 5 1904-1918 2018
Eger, Aaron M; Curtis, Janelle MR; Fortin, Marie-Josée; Côté, Isabelle M; Guichard, Frédéric; Transferability and scalability of species distribution models: a test with sedentary marine invertebrates Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 74 5 766-778 2016 NRC Research Press
Eger, Aaron; Pigeon-Dubeau, Catherine; Sibileau, Lauriane; Parrotfish Body Size As An Indicator of Diurnal Fish Species Richness On Fringing Coral Reefs in Barbados McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal 9 1 Nov-16 2014
Gatt, Yasmine; Walton, Rowana; Andradi-Brown, Dominic; Spalding, Mark; Acosta-Velázquez, Joanna; Adame, Maria Fernanda; Barros, Francisco; Beeston, Mark; Bernardino, Angelo Fraga; Buelow, Christina; The Mangrove Restoration Tracker Tool: Meeting Local Practitioner Needs and Tracking Progress Towards Global Targets