Administration and management

UNSW Kensington Campus

Key staff


Title Name
Head of School Scientia Professor Chun Wang
Deputy Head of School (Research) Prof. Robert Taylor
Deputy Head of School (Education) Dr. David Kellermann
Deputy Head of School Lab Operations and Infrastructure Prof. Tracie Barber
Associate Head of School (Education) Dr. Charitha de Silva
School Manager Mrs. Elena Estrina
Director of External Affairs A/Prof. Chris Menictas
Laboratory Manager Mr. Ben WillisMr Martyn Sherriff
Grievance Officer Dr Wade Smith
School Ethics Officer Dr Irene Renaud-Assemat
School Equity and Diversity Coordinator Dr Sonya Brown
School Co-op Coordinator Dr Patrick Burr
Director of Teaching Quality Dr Charitha de Silva
Director of Academic Programs A/Prof. Pietro Borghesani
Director of Student Experience and Wellbeing  
Workplace Health and Safety Tresne Chesher

Undergraduate degrees


Title Name
BE Thesis Coordinator Prof. Tracie Barber
Industrial Training Coordinator Prof. Nicole Kessissoglou
School Industrial Training Coordinator

School Industrial Training Coordinator

For all IT inquiries, please contact the IT office

The School IT Coordinator's primary role is to mark IT reports. For administrative matters related to placement approvals, submission, due dates, graduation, etc, students should contact the IT Office



Stream advisers


Title Name
Aerospace Engineering Dr. John Olsen
Manufacturing Engineering Dr. Erik van Voorthuysen
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Victoria Timchenko
Mechatronic Engineering Dr. Leo Wu, opens in a new window


Postgraduate degrees


Title Name
Doctorate (PhD) / Masters by Research Coordinators

Dr. Bernd Gludovatz 
A/Prof. Danielle Moreau

Doctorate (PhD) / Masters by Research Administrator (course enrolments,
course transfers, progress reviews, general advice, etc)
Ms. Julie Lui
Masters by Coursework Coordinator Dr. Ronald Ting Tai Chan