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Science Bridging Courses
Strengthen your knowledge in the key areas required for your first year of study in Chemisty, Physics and Mathematics.

2025 Courses Registrations
- Chemistry Bridging Courses - registration is CLOSED There are 2 options for this course:
- (1) Online only course
- (2) In person course (labs and tutorials).
- Both courses will run between Monday 13 January 2025 – Friday 7 February 2025. With the in person classes Monday 27 - Friday 31 January 2025.
- The course will next be offered in 2026.
- Physics Bridging Courses - registration is CLOSED The courses will run between Monday 13 January 2025 – Friday 7 February 2025.
- The course will next be offered in 2026.
- Mathematics Bridging course - registration is OPEN. Registration for Autumn 2025 intake will open from 5 March 2025 and will close on Friday 02 May 2025. Check our helpful tool if you are unsure if you are eligible, opens in a new window. Additionally see the Mathematics Noticeboard for future dates.

Chemistry Bridging Course
Offered once a year, this bridging course runs before Term One (January/February). It includes 40 hours of tuition, which is comprised of using online lectures, optional tutorials and laboratory work, you’ll become familiar with the way Chemistry is taught at university-level. The fee is $380.
This course covers the fundamental principles of Chemistry:
- Atomic structure
- Names and formulae
- Moles
- Safety and prep of soap and electrolytes
- Equations and stoichiometry
- Preparation of alum
- Concentrations
- Oxidation and reduction
- Titration
- Gases
Is this course right for me?
This course is tailored to help you prepare for further studies that include Chemistry in the first year of your degree. It’s perfect for you if you have no prior knowledge of HSC Chemistry and intend on studying Chemistry 1A. To check if you need to study the Chemistry bridging course, see here.
The Chemistry Bridging Course is currently held once a year before Term 1 (January/February).

Mathematics Bridging Course
Offered three times a year, this bridging course runs before Term One (January/February), Term Two (May) and Term Three (September) each year. It includes 40 hours of tuition, which is comprised of online lectures and optional live tutorials. The fee is $380.
This course covers topics from HSC Mathematics Extension 1, including:
- Revision of algebra
- Functions
- Trigonometric identities and inverse trigonometric functions
- Calculus
- Induction
- Combinatorics and binomial theorem
- Further calculus - including integration leading to inverse trigonometric functions
- Newton’s method
- Application of calculus to the physical world
Is this course right for me?
If you are not sure if you should be taking the bridging course, you can use this tool as a guide.
This course is for you if you have no prior knowledge of HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and intend to pursue Maths-related courses in the first year of your degree. It prepares you for entry directly into MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, which is a compulsory course in many Science-based degrees as well as all Engineering and Mathematics degrees at UNSW. To enter MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, it is assumed that you have knowledge and understanding equivalent to one of the following:
- A result of 86 or greater in HSC Mathematics Advanced (‘2 unit’ – not the pre-2019 HSC General Mathematics or HSC Standard Mathematics) (NB: some students would benefit from revision of the UNSW mathematics bridging course)
- A combined mark of over 100 in HSC Mathematics Advanced (‘2 unit’) and HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (‘3 unit’)
- A satisfactory grade in the UNSW mathematics bridging course.
If you do not have the above assumed knowledge for entry to MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, you’re advised to enrol in TAFE Essential Mathematics course (see below) and in MATH1011 Fundamentals of Mathematics B in your first term. If you’re unsure and would like to check whether you need to study the Mathematics bridging course, please email us below.
TAFE Essential Mathematics for Higher Education Course
This course is offered by UNSW and TAFE Randwick for students who have no background in HSC '2 unit' Mathematics. This course should be completed prior to the start of the UNSW Mathematics bridging course, which you will need to complete prior to enrolling in MATH1131 Mathematics 1A in your first term. For more information, please refer to the School's noticeboard.
The Mathematics Bridging Course is currently held three times a year before Term 1 (January/February), Term 2 (May) and Term 3 (September).

Physics Bridging Course
Offered once a year, this bridging course runs before Term One (February). This course provides approximately 40 hours of tuition. The fee for this course is $380. This course is not intended as a substitute for two years of senior high school study in the subject.
This course covers topics from HSC Physics, including:
- SI units
- Waves
- Vectors
- Forces
- Dynamics
- Newton’s laws
- Energy and power
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetism
Is this course right for me?
The Physics bridging course offers you the opportunity to revise or strengthen your knowledge of HSC Physics so you can successfully manage your studies in your first year of university. Your lecturer or tutor will expect this assumed knowledge at the beginning of your studies. Undertaking the bridging course will ensure you’re not at a disadvantage if you do not have a strong background or any prior knowledge in HSC Physics and intend on studying physics in the first year of your degree. However, it is highly recommended that you have HSC Mathematics level knowledge. If you’re unsure if this is the right choice for you, please email us below.
The Physics Bridging Course is currently held once a year before Term 1 (January/February).
Additional information
At UNSW, the completion of a Bridging Course does not guarantee entry into any of our Bachelor’s degrees; the bridging courses are designed to provide a student with the necessary knowledge required for some of their first year courses.
For questions relating to entry into UNSW and other pathways, please seek advice from the UNSW Future Students team.
Assumed knowledge is what your lecturer or tutor will reasonably expect you to know from the beginning of your course. If you don't have the assumed knowledge for your course, you can still apply to UNSW. However, we strongly encourage you to undertake bridging or other preparation courses to ensure you get the most out of your first year of undergraduate study.
If you’re not sure whether you meet the assumed knowledge requirements for your degree of choice, please email us, opens in a new window to chat through your options.
UNSW Science bridging courses are open to domestic or international:
- School leavers
- Mature-age students
- Deferred students
- Currently enrolled UNSW students
You may undertake the bridging courses at UNSW even if you’re intending to enrol at another university. However, we advise you to first ensure that the UNSW bridging course(s) you select is approved by that institution.
Please also note that by undertaking the bridging courses at UNSW does not indicate admission into a Bachelor Program. Please seek advice from the UNSW Future Students team regarding entry requirements.
Mathematics: If you are unsure whether you are eligible to enrol in the Mathematics Briding Course - check our helpful tool.
Physics: There are no formal assessments. There are a number of opportunities for students to self-assess - these include submitting three experimental reports (experiments are conducted at home) and sets of tutorial problems to solve each week.
Chemistry: Requires all students to:
- submit an attempt for each of the eight OpenLearning assignments by 23:55 (AEDT) on Thursday, 30 January 2025 and obtain an average of 80% or above for these assignments (each will be weighted equally)
Certificates: Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Credly digital badge. Recipents will be able to share their achievements on platforms such as LinkedIn, Seek and social media.
You can email us, opens in a new window to request a withdrawal or transfer from one bridging course to another. The last day to withdraw is three days after course registration closes. Withdrawals and transfers will incur a $50 administration fee. Refunds are made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Please note that refunds for the mathematics bridging course are only provided if a student has not completed 20% of the course content and/or participated in four or more hours of the online activities.
2025 Timetable:
- Mathematics: Offerings in 2024/2025: Registration for Autumn 2025 intake will open from 5 March 2025 and will close on Friday 02 May 2025. The online course materials are available upon registration. Optional in-person tutorial classes from Wednesday 07 May – Friday 23 May. Live online tutorial option may be available, depending on need and demand. More information will be posted on the Open Learning website closer the commencement of the tutorial class. It is recommended that students aim to complete as much of the online material as they can before the tutorial classes start. The timetable can be found here.
- Chemistry: Monday 13 January 2025 to Friday 7 February 2025 (Week 3-5 of Summer Term); with the “On Campus” tutorials and labs being held on Monday 27 to Friday 31 January (Week 5). The Chemistry Bridging course is a 3 week online course. On day one, the students are given a link to all the resources and can do the course in their own time. The "on campus" tutorials and labs will be held Monday 29 to Friday 31January 2025. The "on campus" tutorials and labs are 2 hrs each and will run Monday to Friday inclusive. The times will depend on how many students are enrolled (e.g. will we need 1 tut and 1 lab per day or 2 tuts and 2 labs per day) but will be between 9 am and 6 pm. There is no timetable for this online course as students can complete this course in their own time. The final timetable and more information will be available from day 1.
- Physics: Monday 13 January to Friday 7 February 2025. The course will be held online. The course is asynchronous online through Openlearning and the course content can be completed at any time. The final timetable and more information will be available from day 1.