The Faculty of Science is committed to gender equity and inclusion and aims to provide an equitable place of work and study that will stimulate innovation, productivity, and progress. In pursuit of this goal, the Faculty pledges to increase the visibility and contribution of women leaders in public and professional forums as part of the Panel Pledge.

The Panel Pledge is an initiative of Women’s Leadership Institute Australia, Champions of Change Coalition and Chief Executive Women that aims to increase the visibility and contribution of women leaders in public and professional forums. We pledge to increase the visibility and contribution of women leaders in public and professional forums. We encourage our staff to sign the panel pledge which commits them to taking actions to ensure that the panels they organize or appear on are gender balanced.

Our Panel Pledge

  • I commit to ensuring that all forums I am professionally engaged in take gender equity into consideration.
  • When speaking at an event I will request confirmation of who the other panellists/ speakers/ participants are, and how gender balance will be achieved.
  • I will insist as a condition of acceptance that I expect women to participate in a meaningful way.
  • I reserve the right to withdraw from an event, should gender equity not be achieved.
  • I will highlight gender imbalances where I see them and provide event organisers with the names of relevant women leaders in my field.