2024 Program Changes


Why is the Faculty of Science making these changes?

In 2021-2022 we conducted a review of our undergraduate degree programs, with an aim to improve the educational experience for our students and ensure our graduates have the knowledge and skills required and expected in today’s job market.

We consulted extensively with science graduates, employers, industry and current students throughout this process. The outcome of this consultation was a clear emphasis on retaining the discipline vigour while giving students more workplace experience, developing their communication skills and making sure our graduates are job ready.

All of the 2024 changes are designed to directly address the 13 recommendations of the Program Review. 

Student FAQ

Still have questions?

Contact The Nucleus: Student Hub

A team of Science Program experts is available to help you in the Nucleus: Student Hub

We recommend making an in-person appointment or calling the Science and Medicine team in the Nucleus: Student Hub If you have a question about the 2024 program changes that isn’t answered here. Alternatively, you can also submit your question here