Our research accelerates the generation of knowledge about the quality, efficiency, and equity of healthcare systems and health interventions, which supports the evidence-based needs of decision makers. Our expertise in the analysis of health and social data, sophisticated analytic methods and pathways for knowledge translation enable us to improve individual and population health in Australia and beyond.

Our goals

We’re a leading research hub  on health system performance and the quality use of medicines  in Australia. We have a coordinated research program identifying, prioritising and responding to evidence gaps identified by clinicians, policy decision makers and the community. Our ability to respond to current and emerging evidence gaps is enabled through the creation and use of enduring data infrastructures.

Research strengths

  • quality use of medicines

  • safety and effectiveness of medicines and other health technologies 

  • value and waste in health care

  • management of chronic disease and multimorbidity

  • uptake of new technologies

  • guideline concordant care

  • increasing the use of evidence in policy and practice

  • evaluating health policies and programs.

Our projects include research into medicines, from cancer and cardiovascular to psychotropic, opioids and antiretrovirals. Other projects focus on applying a health-system lens to improve equity in care and health outcomes.

Our impact

Our research promotes the effective transfer of research outcomes into policy and practice. Our long-standing and productive relationships with decision-making bodies, policymakers and clinicians, provide a direct route to translating research into practice. We are providing the next generation of researchers in Australia with the skills to co-create actionable evidence with end-users.


Our experts

Innovation & impact

Centre of Research Excellence in Medicines Intelligence

The CRE provides an opportunity for researchers in institutions across the country to collaborate more closely on key research priorities and accelerate the development and translation of evidence about real-world medicine use and outcomes.

Our teaching

We pride ourselves on the nexus of our teaching and research. We do this in partnership with communities, centres and institutes, health services and people with lived experience and expertise.

Our research & impact

Our research and impact promotes equity, strengthens health systems and improves access to high quality care for all people in Australia and worldwide.

Our strategy

Our Health 25 Strategy aims to improve the quality of life for all by tackling the complex and important health challenges of our times.